Example sentences of "[be] never [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Finally , children are never punished for disobedience .
32 The minimalist interpretation is too weak since it assumes that people are never bound by authority regarding issues on which they have firm views .
33 Equally , individual non-observation sentences are never confirmed by experience .
34 About the number of authors who write that ‘ the Champagne vineyards are confined to the belemnite-rich chalk and that the lower beds , where belemnites are lacking , produce inferior grapes which are never used for Champagne ’ , he comments : ‘ They infer that the Campanian has some special but undefined property which makes it superior for vine-growing .
35 ‘ Sir , ’ they say , ‘ thank God there is someone … restored my faith in human nature … performed a signal service … struck a blow for common sense and ordinary human decency … exposed the hypocrisy of those who for our sins are set in authority over us … expressed what the vast majority of people fed … spoken up for the minority whose views are never taken into account … ’
36 Dishonesty and partiality are never mentioned in expert clauses as factors whose presence the parties agree would be sufficient to upset a decision : it is so obvious that it goes without saying , and is therefore an implied term .
37 The pornographic magazines are all in narrow drawers in the library , the erotic classics are in grave bindings , and the drawings are never put on display .
38 ‘ The spirits we invoke are never trapped for eternity , ’ Apanage said , smiling sweetly at Dauntless .
39 There is general agreement , but without , in most cases , quantitative evidence , that the majority of theses are never read after completion .
40 He features in Kirby 's Wonderful Museum ( p. 34 , vol. 4 , 1820 edition ) where he is described as having been ‘ tall and very slender ’ and ‘ as he was never seen in company , or speaking with any person , his real name and character remained enveloped in profound mystery , so that he was generally known by no other appellation than the ‘ Walking Rushlight ' ’ ' .
41 " The precise point which was never treated in detail was the degree of imminence of the admittedly forthcoming dissolution of Turkey " .
42 Injured Stephen Pears , who took a calculated gamble with a cheekbone injury , was never tested in goal .
43 Oh well , they got staying on the place and , oh that money never , er was never asked for money for .
44 The EC is adept at missed deadlines , and end-1992 was never carved in stone .
45 Nevertheless , he was thankful to God that in all his life he was never overcome by depression , and that , despite his almost continual pain , it never seriously hindered him in his work , his study or his preaching .
46 But , his career with the DHSS was never eclipsed by athletics and he consciously made exams and promotion prime targets .
47 A Home Office spokesman said : ‘ It is an internal document and was never intended for publication .
48 The Video book was never intended for broadcast ; it is made from library film footage transferred to disc and tape for video issue , and aimed at the relatively limited number of people who will want to buy or hire it .
49 To no avail : my resolution was never called for debate and another , that if the SNP were to approach us with a view to talks ( an unlikely event after the Pollok by-election ) we would not close the door , was passed by a narrow majority .
50 Such a clause , if invoked , would obviously encourage a country to reduce its surplus , but it was never called into effect .
51 The precise nature of the relations between adult education institutions and organised labour has always been problematic , and usually unsatisfactory , but that there should be a close and organic relationship was never questioned by adult educators who saw their work as part of a broader movement towards social emancipation and change .
52 While the Rotachute was never used in action , the potential of rotorborne delivery systems was obvious .
53 Some provision was made for the giving of legal advice by salaried solicitors outside the ambit of private practice in the Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949 , but the part of the Act which would have established full-time paid solicitors located at the Legal Aid Area Headquarters and travelling to smaller places was never brought into force .
54 We have already noted that the Legal Aid and Advice Act 1949 made provision for the establishment of a statutory system of legal advice , but that the appropriate part of the Act was never brought into force .
55 He was never brought to justice , and since he has long since died himself , we shall leave the matter there .
56 ‘ He was extremely drunk and in a stupor when he attempted the crime — which was never going to work .
57 ‘ The alternative was putting in a bleep , and that was never going to work .
58 As a technology expert Vine-Lott takes no pleasure in saying that he warned that Taurus , the paperless sharedealing scheme that had to be abandoned earlier this year at a cost of hundreds of millions of pounds was never going to work the way it was being developed .
59 This was never going to work !
60 Whelan showed considerable grace and skill up front but the strategy of putting high balls into the West Ham box was never going to work with their defensive blanket , and a highly competent goalie .
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