Example sentences of "[be] find [prep] the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 In the British Isles the best examples are found off the Norfolk coast , as will be described below : although this coast is one of submergence , the offshore profile , composed largely of glacial deposits , is extremely gentle , thus allowing waves to break long before they reach the coast .
2 Suitable sandstones are found along the Lancashire and Cumbrian coasts ; either side of the Severn estuary ; in Lyme Bay , Dorset ; in north-east Scotland and the Orkneys ; in Devon and in parts of north-east England and south Wales .
3 They are found around the Mediterranean , particularly for vine growing ; in semi-arid areas such as Yemen and Peru ; and in many localities of the humid tropics where population densities are high such as the Philippines , Java , Sumatra , China , the Himalayan foothills , Rwanda Burundi , Uganda and the Cameroons ( Goudie 1981 : 136 , 127–39 , for a general review of the physical processes of soil erosion and human efforts to control it ) .
4 Essentially the same structures are found among the Thysanura in the Lepismatidae , though the coxites are unmodified there and bear styles .
5 In high fertility societies such as are found in the Africa region , the modification of these goals would be a first step in efforts to reduce maternal and child mortality .
6 The Mendip Hills is one of our busiest caving area and many huge caves are found in the Brecon Beacons in South Wales .
7 These fish are found in the Peru area of South America .
8 Most of the frescoes have been found at the Knossos Labyrinth and the ‘ palace ’ of Agia Triadha , but it is likely that many other buildings also had frescoes originally .
9 The signal chosen for preservation was the one situated at Horderley , which has now been found at the N.R.M. York and the Society is awaiting confirmation of our application of a loan period together with artefacts of the line , to be placed on display at the Society 's museum at Bishop 's Castle .
10 Their history is not as ancient as that of the sea pens — none have been found on the Ediacara beaches — but once they had appeared , they flourished in immense numbers .
11 It had been found in the Pope Street area of Bootle and was submitted to the lost property section at Bootle police station .
12 Submarine fans have not been found in the Plattendolomit but by analogy with the Z2 Carbonate , it is possible that these may be found in areas where the Z3 Carbonate reaches exceptional thickness .
13 So far , no gas deposits have been found in the Münsterland .
14 Substantial ( in excess of several hundred thousand tonnes ) replacement orebodies have recently been found in the Bradwell area , adjacent to major veins ( Butcher and Hedges , 1987 ) .
15 A book which had been issued to a former student , now left the Garden , has been found in the Potting Shed .
16 Proto-Australoid skulls have been found in the Indus Valley .
17 PGE have been found in the Shetland ophiolite complex on Unst ( MRP 73 ; Prichard and Lord , 1988 ) and in the basic intrusions of north-east Scotland .
18 CHEMICALS which have been found in the River Clyde pose a threat to otters all over Britain , the World Wide Fund For Nature warned this week .
19 This species has been recorded from the western Atlantic where it has been found from the West Indies as far north as South Carolina 295–763 m .
20 The strategy proposes that the majority of this land should be found beyond the Edinburgh Green Belt , in areas accessible to jobs and public transport , and where the best landscapes will not be affected .
21 No link could be found with the Oxfordshire couple .
22 Oman is placing an order for three patrol craft with French shipbuilders after weeks of waiting in the hope that a buyer might be found for the Tyneside yard .
23 More traditional fare can be found at the Plaka taverna just across the road .
24 The problem is that the most exciting and far-reaching developments are now to be found outside the UK , and the manual mostly excludes foreign practice .
25 Nineteenth-century specialist François Perreau-Saussine of Galerie du Carrousel has dropped in , together with Nicolas Joly from Galerie Yves Mikaeloff who is presenting ten pre-cubist and cubist drawings by Andre Mare alongside seventeenth- and eighteenth-century works , including an early La Hyre and one of the few Nicolas Mignards still to be found outside the Louvre .
26 A similar parallel is seen in the epiphytic cactus , Rhipsalis , the only cactus genus to be found outside the Americas , while birds may also be involved in the dispersal of the fruits of other epiphytes such as aroids and bromeliads .
27 The implication of what you 're saying is that these hundred hectares plus can be found between the York City boundary and the inner boundary of the greenbelt ?
28 Along the foot of the South Downs north of Chichester there is the well-known Goodwood raised beach at about 30–40 m ( 100–130 ft ) OD , with gravels which are readily recognisable as beach material : a low raised beach a few feet above present high tide level is to be found on the Gower peninsula in South Wales ; on the west coast of Scotland a raised beach at approximately 7 5 m ( 25 ft ) OD occurs on many of the islands , such as Arran , and in many of the lochs .
29 The most varied and closely investigated series of offshore bars in Great Britain is to be found on the Norfolk coast between Hunstanton and Sheringham .
30 The latest haven is to be found in the Cook Islands , deep in the South Pacific , where companies are falling over themselves to register .
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