Example sentences of "[be] use [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Three other LEDs are used to set up the operating status , arranged in a horizontal ‘ traffic light ’ formation : red indicates that the input signal is below the Threshold level , yellow that it has reached Threshold , and the green that it is above Threshold .
2 Lower levels are used to retain successively the primary silhouettes , specific sectional silhouettes , surfaces and internal details .
3 Adjustable compensating magnets are fitted and these are used to take out the effect of deviation when the compass is checked ( " swung " ) .
4 The design we are going to talk about is a DIY design in that , apart from a 555 timer and 4001 NOR gate chip , discretes are used to carry out the various circuit operations and the system is capable of being modified for those who like a starting point and then like to experiment .
5 Peter Hunter , secretary of the NALGO Pro-Life Group , at a recent meeting of NALGO supporters told of the disgraceful waste of union resources which are used to prop up the national Abortion Campaign , to which NALGO is affiliated .
6 These early payments are used to clear up the cost of setting it up — and in particular the commission of the agent who sold it to you .
7 When applying any tape , always position the free ends of the draw cords , which are used to pull up the heading , to the outside edge of the curtain ( i.e. , the edge furthest away from the centre ) .
8 You also pay premiums into an endowment savings plan or pension plan — the proceeds of the endowment plan when it matures , or the cash sum at retirement from the pension plan , are used to pay off the capital at the end of the loan .
9 One of the most fascinating features of linguistic use in these works is the way in which words or syllables are used to enhance either the sensual atmosphere of the tales or the sense of scatological exposure within them .
10 It seems rather strange that the accuracy for navigating/surveying now , by state of the art technology , is of the same order as has been used to set down the Circles of Time several thousand years ago .
11 However , herbs have always been used to pep up the more blandly-flavoured foods such as fish , vegetables and cereals .
12 The backlight button or manual iris control has been used to open up the lens aperture in order to give the foreground subject the correct exposure .
13 There were tracks in the cooled fat where chunks of bread had been used to mop up the tasty juices of the meal .
14 The action research of the Brunel school can be used to draw out the key advantages of the controlled authority .
15 These photographs will then be used to carry out the studies involved in the research ;
16 The Labovian model can be used to explore further the similarities and differences between the idealised and original versions .
17 If using hangers , pad them to about three times the usual extent with acid-free tissue or with polyester wadding covered with white cotton ( which can also be used to pad out the shoulders and shapes of packed costumes ) .
18 Of course , once children give up their single-level assumption , they accept the fact that terms at different levels such as dog and animal or bear and toy may be used to pick out the same object .
19 The legislation will be used to back up the federal government 's high court case , due to be heard at the end of May , which is seeking a permanent injunction against the power project .
20 There was no clear theory of jurisdiction and it was impossible to draw up a set of rules which could be used to predict when the courts would intervene .
21 Laughing and laughin' or [ ga:d ] and [ go:d ] can more convincingly be shown to be used to say referentially the same thing than any pair of postulated synonymous syntactic constructions such as the liquor store was broken into versus they broke into the liquor store .
22 An activator may be used to speed up the process but certain basic principles should be borne in mind .
23 Together , dearest Emma , we can rise Above the petty heckling of our foes T is all hot air , and hot air can be used To hoist aloft the balloon in which we soar !
24 The money will be used to set up the trail and to produce a waterproof colour guide .
25 Discussion of the number of guesses recorded can be used to point out the different kinds of letter order in words .
26 This year , with the Democrats poised to win the state , the national leadership is looking to see whether the same tactics can be used to turn back the tide on the Republicans nationwide .
27 Possibly such mechanisms can be used to explain where the pollinators come from in species-poor forests such as the Shorea albida forest in Sarawak when the dominants flower .
28 Since data from that study will be used to clarify both the judgment and recognition results , the important points about that study will be briefly described .
29 This will be called automatically on system shutdown ( provided you specify YES to site-specific shutdown procedures ) , and can of course also be used to shut down the LIFESPAN Processes with the VAX running .
30 Since the model is speculative , this parameter is unlikely to be known in advance , so RHS parametric programming could be used to see how the optimal objective function value and solution varied with λ .
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