Example sentences of "[be] look [prep] her [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We have been looking for her for three weeks .
2 Yeah well he 's been looking after her for , for years ai n't he ?
3 Obviously she is very upset being left alone in a strange country and we are looking after her at the police station .
4 In fact , even without knowing it , he may be looking to her as a vehicle by which he might rediscover his lost self , which did n't have the chance to blossom earlier .
5 The family say if her husband was still alive , he would be looking after her at home .
6 Was n't he supposed to be looking after her in a sanatorium ? ’
7 Fenella looked over her shoulder at them and saw that they were looking at her with such blind trust and with such faith that cold anger rose in her at the evil Lord who had forced them to his work .
8 She lifted a hand to shade her eyes and Martin Jackson 's face appeared on the backdrop of light , as if he were looking at her from the sun 's centre .
9 ‘ And who 's looking after her at your place ? ’
10 As she turned to wait for me at the end of the path , I felt I was looking at her for the first time : her face paler than her arms , a blonde shadow on her upper lip , no lipstick .
11 He was looking at her for help — he was pleading , through his fury , for the assistance of his sister … it was just that , in his youth , he could not control the emotion in his face , and she quivered with the imagined rage , only now recognizing the desperation in his eyes .
12 Orin was looking at her as a Neanderthal might look at homo sapiens after a lecture on Darwinism .
13 She had just had the most beautiful experience of her whole life and Roman was looking at her as if she had cheated him .
14 But then she realised that the customer in question was looking at her as if he could read her thoughts — and found them highly amusing .
15 Her prosecutor was looking at her as if she 'd just crawled from under a stone .
16 He was looking at her as if he was wondering , will she be all right ?
17 ‘ He does n't , eh ? ’ said the tramp , who was looking at her with great interest .
18 However , the marquis was looking at her with affection and she took courage in both hands .
19 He was looking at her with a decidedly mischievous gleam in his eye .
20 But he was looking at her with a dark intensity that made her nerves quiver very oddly .
21 He was looking at her with such tenderness and love that she thought she would faint from sheer happiness .
22 He was looking at her with frank enjoyment that seemed untainted by any sort of guilt .
23 He was looking at her with amusement , and a sort of hungry satisfaction .
24 He was looking at her with one eyebrow cocked .
25 He was looking at her with frowning concentration .
26 He was looking at her with faint amusement in his eyes , one eyebrow slightly raised , and she became aware that he was quite used to this reaction from women to his undoubted charisma .
27 Barney was looking at her with a strange expression , half puzzled , half tender .
28 But Wolff was looking at her with frank and breathless admiration .
29 He was looking at her with an icy contempt .
30 Ruth was looking at her at last with sharp , bright black eyes .
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