Example sentences of "[be] make at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You said yourself , that hole could have been made at any time .
2 In my judgment , this was an order which ought never to have been made at any stage of the case .
3 He spoke to the officer on desk duty who said that a complaint against Russell had been made at another station .
4 The missed approach is commenced immediately on reaching decision height , if visual contact has not been made at this point .
5 If we return to our example , we can see that if a subject hears Forgive us our tres … and a decision has been made at this point that the incomplete word is trespasses , the subject can begin to say trespasses and ignore the rest of the word .
6 Following the announcement earlier this year that VCH publishing group had decided to ‘ terminate the employment ’ of Dr Andreas Papadakis , hitherto managing director and former owner of Academy Group , London , with immediate effect , a new appointment has been made at senior level .
7 Decisions are made at one point , and so easier to coordinate .
8 If we aggregate together everyone in that ‘ dependent ’ age group , i.e. , those below the age of 16 and above pensionable ages remembering the heaviest demands on services are made at each end of the age range , the percentage of dependants to total UK population has indeed remained remarkably stable throughout this century — 30 per cent in 1901 , 36 per cent in 1951 , 41 per cent in 1977 — and it is likely to remain so for the remainder of the century ; it is projected to be 40 per cent in 2001 ( Grundy , 1986 , p. 21 ; table 5.4 ) .
9 Nonetheless certain advances can be made at the national level , and given that politics and governmental power are still largely national in scope certain advances must be made at that level if they are to be made at all .
10 As no progress could be made at that meeting , it was agreed that the matter should be brought to the next stage of procedures which is Joint Industrial Council .
11 That judgment will have to be made at that time .
12 Increasingly , decisions will have to be made at European level by properly accountable European institutions .
13 Drucker concluded about decision analysis that : ‘ A decision should always be made at lowest level and as close to the scene of action as possible …
14 Because of the peculiar restricted hours that banks open I am unable to visit the branch where the account is held and any over-the-counter transactions — usually only 2 per year — have to be made at another branch .
15 Three further points need to be made at this juncture .
16 However , there are one or two qualifications which must be made at this point with respect to the human sciences .
17 Mention should be made at this point of a responsibility of the Chemical Products business which is outside of the mainstream .
18 Remember that afterwards you may be making an offer , so a more careful visual inspection must be made at this stage , and the matters only briefly considered on your first visit should be looked at in more depth now .
19 One further point which needs to be made at this stage concerns the question of ideology , class conflict , and class consciousness .
20 Looking at the development so far , there is the need for CD trials in the near future ; plans should also be made at this stage for CDL and CDL trials as they will take longer to organize .
21 Further amendments , usually government sponsored , can be made at this stage .
22 Slabs or successive slabs with faces suitable for serial reconstruction of large-scale fabrics can be made at this stage .
23 A distinction must be made at this stage between things which can be used to make unauthorized copies of programs , but which also have legitimate uses ( for example , computers with two disk drives and cassette players with twin tape decks ) and things specifically designed to overcome copy-protection such as software to be used to copy other software which has been copy-protected .
24 Notes can be made at this stage and possibly some rough diagrams drawn which may or may not be incorporated into the final document .
25 On the other hand the production of separate leaflets can be staggered and additions and alterations can be made at any time quickly and less expensively ; and some leaflets , which require no alteration from year to year , need not be reprinted for one or two years .
26 Substitutions may be made at any time without penalty .
27 It can be made at any time once an action has been raised .
28 Enquiries may be made at any time ( and indeed should be ! ) but applications are normally considered in April and September each year .
29 Thus the inconvenience of negotiation can be avoided and a decision to purchase can be made at any time and immediately put into effect .
30 Disclosure may be made at any time between the creation of the fiduciary relationship between firm and customer and the act or omission which would otherwise constitute a breach of duty , or after the breach of duty has occurred , for example on a contract note .
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