Example sentences of "[be] so [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These life-sustaining ingredients can be applied directly to the vine by man , indeed are so applied by man in commercial viticulture , yet according to Mike Woodhead , the owner of ‘ Le Bonheur ’ in South Africa , it is possible to effect a permanently natural and desirable nutrient cycle in soils considered inferior by some .
2 that , as a man whose responses are so dulled by routine that he can recall only 2 hr 17 min of unambiguous happiness in the past few years , I am not happy .
3 If only all those years ago she had not been so strapped by convention .
4 Where the summons has been so sent by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service ( N 216 ) is sent to the plaintiff saying that he may request bailiff service .
5 Already their numbers had been so diminished by persecution and by unfavourable trading terms in Henry III 's reign that the tallage which they paid annually to the king was less under Edward I than he might gain by seizing their estates and inducing a clerical subsidy by their expulsion .
6 Where the summons has been so served by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service is sent to the plaintiff ( N 216 ) .
7 If Cassie had not been so consumed by rage , she would have laughed at this last and patently childish remark .
8 You spend twenty years learning the spell that makes nude virgins appear in your bedroom , and then you 're so poisoned by quicksilver fumes and half-blind from reading old grimoires that you ca n't remember what happens next . ’
9 ‘ Thinking I would stretch the rules to suit myself is very different from thinking I would be so consumed by greed that I would commit a felony . ’
10 Mr. Philipson also submitted that the Bank of England could properly exercise their supervisory powers under the Act without the breaching of customers ' confidences , and even went so far as to submit that the Schedule 3 information could be so furnished by clothing details of customers ' loans or deposits with anonymity .
11 Or is it more likely to be so affected by nationalism and the historical preferences of its peoples that it will remain a heterogeneous collection of individual markets linked together in a loose customs union ?
12 The question often raised is ‘ should education be so dominated by assessment ? ’
13 Why do we have to be so humiliated by officialdom ?
14 His touch was as she remembered it , warm and gentle , but as he gently returned her foot to the ground she again felt shy — absurdly and ridiculously shy , when she could never remember being so taken by shyness before — and she just had to look away from him while she collected herself .
15 They were so fascinated by sex that they elevated its study from the status of a hobby to that of a science .
16 Perhaps one or two of them were so blinded by hatred of Lloyd George as to believe that the move would still show up his impotence .
17 The first may be thought of as the historical , the second the statistical method , and they were so named by Clerk Maxwell .
18 The only reasonable conclusion appeared to be that because the two stallions lived in yards , and at that time were not being ridden , they consequently had a life that demanded virtually no decision making at all — their days were so dominated by habit that they had become completely unable to think .
19 Ozone formation is so influenced by sunshine that even the west of Ireland and northern Scotland experience summers with ozone damage .
20 Those who believe that such insistence would ‘ infringe civil liberties ’ should appreciate that this liberty is valueless if wise judgment is so impaired by lack of insight that sufferers from the underlying illness can use this liberty only to their detriment .
21 He himself was so influenced by Luther that he used to pray for the abolition of the Pope 's authority in England .
22 At the only time in his life when he would have liked to he was so crushed by doubt and diffidence that he kept his eyes scrupulously trained upon the ground , or the table in front of him , or the wall behind the shoulder of the person concerned .
23 The 16th-century ruins of Knock Castle , 2 miles away , have a murky past — all the sons of the Laird were murdered by a neighbouring Forbes of Strath girnock ; when the Laird was informed he was so overcome by grief that he fell down a staircase to his death .
24 How on earth was she to stop him — her dear Dr Neil who was so distracted by love that all his sense appeared to have left him ?
25 For the moment , though , Owen was so caught by surprise that he could only repeat foolishly : ‘ A Zikr ? ’
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