Example sentences of "[be] go on for [num] " in BNC.

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1 Efforts to procure his extradition , which have been going on for five years , and which seemed for a time to have been successful , have now been thwarted , at least for the moment .
2 Is he aware that the negotiations have been going on for five years , that we must have a replacement for the multi-fibre arrangement that will enable our textiles to penetrate the markets of countries which do not allow any textiles in and those with tariffs of 200 per cent. , and that even the United States has a tariff of 36 per cent .
3 Negotiations had been going on for 17 months before the strike .
4 But it 's been going on for two years . ’
5 In another class , a boy is being cross-examined on complaints by both girls and boys in the class that he has been groping them ; it emerges through class discussion that this has been going on for two years .
6 Their success revealed the misunderstanding had been going on for six years .
7 The present round of talks , which broke down and sparked the trade war between the US and Europe yesterday , has been going on for six years .
8 ‘ And these unveilings have been going on for eight years ?
9 It is reported on the front page of The Times today that the common agricultural policy — that squalid policy which is costing British families an average of £18.50 a week each — will destroy the world free trade talks , which have been going on for four or five years , and involve just about every country in the world .
10 Army bomb disposal experts arrived at Dorton late this afternoon to join the search of the trackside that had already been going on for four and a half hours .
11 The real cause of the trouble is , that parents and teachers always pass on to us , as children , what they themselves have been told , and this has been going on for hundreds , or even thousands of years .
12 it 's been going on for hundreds of years and I do n't see why it should stop .
13 The work at Grendon Prison has been going on for 30 years .
14 Plant collecting has been going on for thousands of years .
15 ‘ This has been going on for ten years , ’ he added .
16 So upon this , my third post-chapel ‘ chat ’ of my first Lent term , ‘ The boy who refused to be confirmed at a Woodard School ’ was launched , and the annual , ‘ All those who have n't been confirmed , stay behind after matins ’ was to go on for four more weary years .
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