Example sentences of "[be] go out in [art] " in BNC.

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1 We 're going out in a minute anyway .
2 All this old-style word-in-your-ear , casual approach stuff was n't getting anywhere , so we 're going out in the market place to get the right people . ’
3 Mm , I mean we 've been going out in the daytime , when the weather 's
4 He wants me , for some reason , to realize that he knows the lights are going out in the Masai world .
5 I said to her , ‘ Look I 'm going out in a couple of weeks , you must tell me exactly what happened so I can tell the papers about it . ’
6 I 'm going out in the middle of a field .
7 she said and now I 'm finishing school I still need them sometimes for a meal and then I 'm going out in the W R V S shop , something like that in the chain ,
8 So that that the leaflet 's going to be going out in a mega mailing .
9 Well we sha n't be going out in the car today shall we ?
10 Well , er we 're very lucky that er Oxford 's pretty well covered , yes , we 've , or could do with some more volunteers of course , but we 've got about one hundred and twenty people who 'll be going out in the city , and I was looking at a map this morning and it 's very well covered indeed with purple and yellow lines where we 've actually got people on the ground .
11 Sometimes the names of the authors of the report appear on the title page but , if the report is going out in the name of an organisation , it may be kept impersonal except for the signatures at the end .
12 Cos I was going out in the fresh air , I 'm alright when I 'm out in the fresh air .
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