Example sentences of "[be] go [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 'm 21 years old , here I am going all over the world , and people actually give a shit what I think about things .
2 At the same time I think some people are going well over the top in slagging off Wilko .
3 ‘ And we are going all over the place .
4 I do not know to which local authority the hon. Gentleman is referring , but may I try to explain the context of the debate to him , because it seems to be going straight over the heads of Conservative Members , as was evident in that intervention which I shall now try to answer .
5 We , we , we were playing in the er Alton league at one time , you know , we were doing quite well in that as well we got , one year we come second we got promoted to the first division after our first year , there was only three of their , there were four or five leagues going and they put us straight in the second division and er , but you were going all over the bloody place , you were going as far a field as Petersfield bloody old there was almost , there was one erm , just outside
6 I mean , some of it o you 'll get away with , but generally you re you need to recover it , it 's going all over the place and it
7 Do you remember that day , Bernard , she come in the shop and he he here he is with a wee Pot Noodle and , and it 's going all over the floor !
8 I thought he was going well over the top , actually .
9 And it was going downhill over the hard packed snow which was the worst bit , with me acting as a brake , hauling on a rope to keep the sledge from running forward into the horse 's heels .
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