Example sentences of "[be] at the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We 're at the same position here as we were when we were selling out Harlow Square with the audience going mental .
2 providing you 're at the same time .
3 She said , any time at all if we 're at the same time .
4 that Mary er Mary 's da , one of Mary 's daughters and one of Christine 's daughters , they 're at the same college or something , they 're big friends !
5 I 'm at the same hotel as we stayed at last time-but it 's not the same without you and Rosie .
6 The same advantage can be taken of star clusters like the Pleiades and the Hyades : their component stars were born from the same gas clouds and must therefore be at the same distance from us .
7 The two rings , either side of the spine , should be at the same distance below the cross-spar , and symmetrical either side of the kite centreline ( spine )
8 It has not proved possible to determine the composition directly , which is difficult for a condensate , but the measured abundance of ammonia in the gaseous phase above the top of these clouds is about what would be expected were this ammonia in equilibrium with solid ammonia at the typical cloud top conditions of 0.5 bar and 148 K. There are thought to be relatively few breaks in the ammonia clouds , though the cloud tops need not be at the same altitude everywhere .
9 ‘ It is possible an EC directive would be at the same level or just below UK standards . ’
10 Inputs and outputs should be at the same level of abstraction ; in other words conversion of an abstract notion ( such as customers needs ) to a tangible form ( such as the specific goods or services that are supplied ) is not supportable in a root definition .
11 If the data produces an exactly balanced tree , then this optimal point would be at the same level across all branches ( Sussenguth , 1963 ) , but this is not so with a lexicon , so the construction is much more difficult .
12 arranging payment of allowances ( these will be at the same level as the client 's previous rate of benefit ) ; and
13 Governors of individual schools needed to be at the same level of understanding and acceptance of what was being planned .
14 Otherwise , it would by now have degenerated into a state of complete disorder , in which everything would be at the same temperature .
15 ‘ If the Certificate of Primary Education tested material which was firmly within the grasp of primary school teachers : if it tested the ability to re–son and understand relationships of cause and effect ; and , if , above all , it tested relevant and practical knowledge , it would be at the same time both a more efficient and equitable instrument for selecting secondary school entrants and also a more useful preparation for those for whom primary education is terminal .
16 It does not indicate what the velocity will be at the same point at another instant or what it will be at any other geometrically similar point ( i.e. a point at the same distance from the axis ) .
17 Each shot can be at the same target , or at a different target within 2″ of the last one .
18 Your lower leg should be at the same height as the knee as the latter points to the target .
19 This could well relate to the design of the hospital bed which may not be at the same height as the one with which the patient is familiar .
20 Nevertheless , if we adjust the above findings , they suggest that almost 40% of the public feel that mentally handicapped people should be segregated from the rest of society ; around the same proportion would dislike the idea of a mentally handicapped child being at the same school as their child and around 70% feel that mentally handicapped people should not be allowed to marry and have children .
21 Last year Lord Petre planted out about ten thousand Americans which , being at the same time mixed with about twenty thousand Europeans , and some Asians , make a very beautiful appearance , great art and skill being shown in consulting everyone 's particular growth and the well blending of the greens …
22 At the same time that Coleridge was discussing Hartley with Wordsworth he was also constantly urging him to write ‘ a philosophic poem ’ — ‘ No man was ever yet a great poet without being at the same time a profound philosopher ’ .
23 x. failure to maintain professional standards , being at the same time pefectionistic in some things and amazingly casual in others .
24 This was partly because he was not exceptionally bright while being at the same time exceptionally unimaginative , but it was also because odd carvings and perilous tunnels were all in a day 's work .
25 This territory had been annexed to Poland after its occupation by the Red Army at the end of the Second World War , a situation accepted de facto by the Western powers at the Potsdam conference of July-August 1945 ( the northern part of East Prussia being at the same time incorporated into the Soviet Union ) .
26 They all come into being at the same time .
27 ( b ) Calculate to four significant figures the ratio of the rate of diffusion through a porous membrane of hydrogen chloride gas composed wholly of molecules to the rate of diffusion of a gas composed wholly of molecules , both gases being at the same temperature and pressure .
28 Smith , Gregg and Andrews ( 1989 ) devised the following ranking of selection methods with respect to their predictive validity : graphology and astrology were at the same level as chance prediction , references and interviews were a little higher , then structured interviews , then biodata , personality tests and assessment centres for performance , then ability tests and work sample tests and finally , at the highest level , assessment centres for promotion .
29 Because Dannii was famous and they were at the same school , Kylie wanted to make a name for herself .
30 All were at the same stage of their career , applying for their first senior house officer post in a non-teaching hospital because applications to teaching hospitals usually require completion of a form .
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