Example sentences of "[be] do [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is Cnut the caring Christian king and diplomat , vowing to amend what has hitherto been done amiss through negligence or the intemperance of youth , and stressing the generosity of his reception by the emperor to enhance his own prestige .
2 It had been done before of course .
3 Yeah , er if that 's the case then I , I think we will increase what we 're doing there in line with six five nine er four
4 Do not simply give a list of the work you have been doing up to date but show how the experience you have gained in the other job has directly fitted you to do the new one .
5 Certainly , the amount of land held by the nobility continued to decline after 1905 , as it had been doing ever since Emancipation .
6 We are doing well with dog-fighting in spite of its illegality , and we are making progress with a few speculative lines such as cave diving , simulated extreme skiing and Russian roulette .
7 Enquiries at Enterprise Agencies suggest that many people wishing to set up businesses are doing so with redundancy money or for other reasons connected with the difficulty of finding employment and their first need is to find a suitable idea .
8 We are doing more for training than any previous Government and the Labour party is in no position to lecture us on that subject .
9 On whether trade unions are doing enough about unemployment , the answer was generally no .
10 Samples must be collected after thorough flushing of pipes , and testing must be done soon after collection .
11 This can be done either in person or , for the shrinking violets among you , by submitting a cassette of your strums and widdles to : .
12 This may be done either in advance , or by the senior police officer on the spot where the procession is in progress .
13 Screening for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be done either by echocardiography or by genetic screening .
14 This can be done either from information provided by the user or in consultation with the project personnel .
15 The exercise can be done regularly without flow at any time that you are sitting — in the car , in the office — or while standing .
16 The idea that meaningful research could be done successfully without experiment still leaves some chemists feeling insecure , although many chemists now realise how slow they were to embrace quantum mechanics as a tool .
17 But it is still a painstaking process , and must be done well in advance of play .
18 First , it can be very difficult to find media in which to separate off an area like this : it can be done readily in TV , cinema , poster or local newspapers , but is more difficult in national newspapers or magazines .
19 These tasks appear to be done better at night with a general decline throughout the daytime to lowest values in the early evening .
20 It is useful for the client to keep a record of success and failure and this can be done as in Figure 4.10 .
21 It can be done out of role — with the information gathered through research , for example , then used to inform the subsequent drama — or it can be undertaken in role .
22 Much more can be done out of hospital and in the GP 's surgery , the patient 's home or in low-technology settings .
23 The possibility of value shifting derives from the fact that , in the above example , Target is paying Newco more than the economic value of the losses so , unless this is value shifting , it is also a tax-efficient way of " distributing " profits from Target to Newco , and need not be done out of Target 's distributable reserves .
24 It could be done late at night with no dishonour for the men 's relations or lack of respect . ’
25 One steep 330-metre climb had to be done twice in order to lift all the gear .
26 ‘ All this emotion seems to be doing instead of food . ’
27 This would be a good point to stop and remind yourself of the kinds of situations and issues which have caused you conflict in the past and may be doing so at present .
28 At 24 , he seems to be doing better at Test cricket the second time round !
29 So I 'm going to use three things to , to see how I 'm doing both in planning and actual .
30 I think better on a full stomach — but I know one thing I 'm doing immediately after breakfast . ’
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