Example sentences of "[be] on [art] [noun sg] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But while we 're on the subject a dose of hard living might do you the world of good . ’
2 You 're on the move every three every three weeks you get to know another group of people .
3 Well that 's the best thing , cos I 'm on a case a couple of weeks and I rang your police on Friday night
4 They found that Darwin W/T station had not been informed of their flight in time to warn Koepang W/T station to be on the air the following morning .
5 It does seem to be on the whole a very encouraging report .
6 I think that 's played on the bass what would be on the piano an A.
7 To the extent that the purchaser is willing to accept this reduction of the absolute nature of warranties , it should be on the basis the vendor acknowledges that in all circumstances it has made full and proper enquiries and investigations ( see clause 13.6 of the standard sale agreement — Appendix III ) ; ( i ) to provide that the vendor shall not be liable if the purchaser completed the sale at the full purchase price despite the fact that it had knowledge of a particular breach of warranty .
8 If the books are on a spinner the front book is mercilessly bent forward to see the books behind .
9 The police agreed that her disappearance was odd even suspicious but oddness and suspicion are on every breath a policeman takes — and meanwhile their offices are stacked with files of unquestionably real and still unsolved crimes .
10 Human affairs , and especially matters involving learning , are on the whole a lot neater and easier to understand on paper than they are in reality .
11 For example , in the following sentence : Since the last time we met when we had that huge dinner Ive been on a diet the first two tone-units present information which is relevant to what the speaker is saying , but which is not something new and unknown to the listener .
12 Day 14 ) Not only has Dave been on a raft the last week but today — honest Dave , I 've waited two months for that 50 bucks you promised me not to reveal this , but it has not arrived — he got off the raft and walked around Upset .
13 He had been on the run a mere two days .
14 Penry 's been on the phone every few minutes to see if you 've arrived .
15 His first job was to start his teams to plough : he had already been on the field the day before to mark out the stetches .
16 So I suppose if he 'd been on the Road every day he 'd have won the Open !
17 Not an ounce of talent , nobody wants to shag them , been on the road every single night for 25 years and all for a once-a-week bag of chips and a saveloy between them if they 're lucky .
18 No telling us where I do n't know this one come but being a foreign driver I mean he he could have from anywhere in the country and he could have been on the road a long time .
19 Again we 're back to the the the same arguments on the capital receipt and I do n't intend to begin re-rehearsing those but quite frankly , I mean I would n't claim by any to have a vast or a a slightly deeper knowledge of housing finance but obviously since you 've been on the council the same length of time as I have , I mean you 've got even less .
20 They 've been on the counter a fortnight .
21 Since I 've been on this course , I 've been on the bus a few times .
22 ‘ There is a need for fish that has been on the market a couple of days .
23 And if they have been on the market the terms have often been unreasonable , with little attempt made to advertise them .
24 ‘ Well , I 'd been on the boat a few minutes when I heard someone pounding along the gangway and going ashore , so I knew I 'd been right . ’
25 You 've seen my cuttings and you 've seen what 's been on the News the last couple of days .
26 They drank the Coca-Cola and Timothy consumed the Worthington E , saying it was just what he needed after being on the sauce the night before .
27 The old craft trades were on the whole the first to organize trade societies , giving the labour movement in Scotland a particular character and ( some have argued ) a particular ideology in which the influence of thrift , temperance and respectability was very marked .
28 I 've gone to bed many and many a time — and I was only sixteen — I 've gone to bed many a time and laid on the bed and fell off to sleep before I was undressed because we were on the go the whole time .
29 . He 's on a pound an hour .
30 This is the document which will be going for audit , and er that 's on the agenda a little bit later , erm , on the last financial year .
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