Example sentences of "[be] that [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The most important Romanesque churches of this type in the city of Cologne are that dedicated to the twelve apostles ( S. Aposteln 328 , 330 ) , S. Maria im Capitol , the earliest of the group , constructed on the foundation walls of the Roman Capitoline Trias , S. Martin ( Gross S. Martin ) , S. Gereon ( 329 ) and S. Pantaleon .
2 It follows , then , that an evolutionary argument must attempt to establish exactly what the continuity may have been that led from the level of the higher animals to that of Man .
3 One of the most influential categorisations of social class , other than those of the OPCS , has been that used by the Oxford Social Mobility Study .
4 If you 're that spare about the images you choose to show of a city , you can create a feeling of an entire world just seen through very limited vision .
5 The knowledge of linguistics referred to here would of course be that acquired during the academic course , but may be an indication of priorities in the PGCE course itself .
6 The ‘ normal ’ tax district for the director of the company will be that dealing with the company 's directors and employees , their PAYE affairs and tax returns .
7 It is proposed that Atkins Q-analysis provides the basis for such an analysis ; the principal source of data will be that collected by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute .
8 It could be that support from the 13 Ulster Unionist MPs likely to be elected on Thursday would be enough to see Mr Major home .
9 It takes its primary level of analysis to be that characterized by the question of size and by the phenomenal form of the series .
10 It may be that looking at the bodies will tell me .
11 In such cases the code used in the quotation need not be that used by the original speaker : its force derives from the fact that it is different from the code of the part of the turn in which it is embedded .
12 The volume name should be that supplied in the first answer and the volume number should be the extension supplied at the end of the volume name in the HC FORMATTER 's end of run statistics .
13 The main industry 's that export to the US are Food and drink ; and Textiles .
14 A cumbersome bureaucracy has grown up at Lloyd 's that panders to the market 's parochial interests rather than to its wider good .
15 When they asked him where it was that my father had wanted to build the gallery , he said something like , ‘ Well , you know , it 's that place near the pond between the pond and the obelisk ’ , meaning the Washington Monument and the Reflecting Pool .
16 But the more likely scenario is that support for the SQL Access Group will wane , funding from members will dry up and Distributed Relational Database Architecture will become the standard by default .
17 This procedure , which is that adopted in the model described above , is quite legitimate ; it does however underline the limitations of confining attention to equilibrium paths .
18 A section of printed ephemera with its own special charm is that consisting of the small mementoes which a number of printing houses struck off to amuse and honour visitors .
19 But what is less often pointed out is that Anselm in The Proslogion also defines God as ‘ greater than can be thought to exist ’ .
20 As it happens , the only ethical guide which is relatively clear , though still very general , is that contained in a brief statement made by Pope Pius XII 20 years ago .
21 A less strongly related argument is that contained in a version of the ‘ insider-outsider ’ accounts of unemployment ( see Linbeck and Snower 1986 ) .
22 It does suggest that the only information the discourse analyst has access to is that contained in the text of a discourse fragment .
23 One important default power is that contained in the Housing Act , 1980 , which can be brought into effect whenever the minister considers that tenants are having difficulty in exercising their right to buy a council property ‘ effectively and expeditiously ’ .
24 The former is that contained in the UK Data Protection Act .
25 ‘ The only odd thing is that according to the military history , the place had been overrun by American First Army , either the 3rd or 9th Division , I ca n't quite make out their boundary line , nearly two weeks before . ’
26 Edward 's only extant will is that made before the French expedition of 1475 , and on internal evidence it had been modified , if not superseded , by 1483 .
27 Edward 's only extant will is that made before the French expedition of 1475 , and on internal evidence it had been modified , if not superseded , by 1483 .
28 On this view the only reservation that is relevant is that made by the State whose law is applicable to the transaction , and reservations made by the State in which the forum is located have no significance as such and operate only if the conflict rules of that State lead to the application of its own law .
29 The debt which never appears in any balance sheet or account is that owed by the Association to the fund-raising efforts of its supporters and the generosity of the public .
30 This would imply the promotion of another pagus of the Brigantes , and a possible candidate is that represented by the curia Textoverdorum mentioned on an altar from Chesterholm .
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