Example sentences of "[be] not a case [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This is not a case for any declaration .
2 This is not a case of individuals that are badly nourished failing to reproduce effectively , he says .
3 Head of the court 's family division , Sir Stephen Brown , said : ‘ This is not a case of a wilful young lady seeking to assert her independence .
4 It is not a case of imposing a decision but of ensuring , through the presentation of supporting arguments , that the governors are aware of which of the options stated is the most educationally sound .
5 Given that we may have yet more to learn about human reproduction , it must be said that it is not a case of ‘ views ’ which may or may not be right .
6 Here it is not a case of " encouraging " local cultural development but of attempting to " wean " people away from such influences as the " cheap sensational periodicals " which are said to blunt their imagination , and — importantly — cause them to " recoil from " and perhaps even " come to dislike literature .
7 This is not a case of trespass .
8 This is not a case of competing claims to the U.S.$2m. ; there is no dispute that it is the property of the Republic of Somalia .
9 Yet it is not a case of chartered surveyors and suchlike touting for audit and similar instructions to fill a gap while the market is slow .
10 This is not a case of waiting half and hour — the next bus is a week later !
11 ‘ It is not a case of very young children who have no chance to assess what they are doing and the consequences of what they are doing , ’ he said .
12 ‘ It is not a case of causing alarm , this is real , ’ he told a Cardiff news conference .
13 Firstly , it is said that this is not a case in which interim relief is appropriate or possible at all .
14 I do have to admit , though , that when I 'm working away from home it 's not a case of going out on the town — but going straight to bed to catch up on a good night 's sleep .
15 Erm I certainly know it 's not a case of debates in Parliament .
16 Fair enough , well if I can help him in any way by talking to him , it 's not a case of who wins and who loses , we all lose .
17 It 's not a case of black and white did you say ?
18 You see God is th , i i is a God of order he 's not a God of disorder , it 's not a case of anybody doing what they like , he works according to his pattern .
19 And so it 's not a case of our waiting it 's rather a case of our receiving .
20 You see , it 's not a case of either or God 's purpose is both of them .
21 It 's not a case of being paranoid , it 's a case of seeking fairness for all the school children , and then some of them receiving disproportional , you know higher , er amounts of money , then that must be seen to be unfair , and I 'm certainly well supported in that .
22 So it 's not a case of just really being listened to , it 's not just a case of just being clear , clear in terms of what you want by telling people what you want , and then finding out if they 're going to do it .
23 Th it 's not a case of everything 's contained within the stimulus that 's coming in and we elaborate it into whate the object .
24 so it 's not a case of er ditching the guy no no no
25 ‘ It 's not a case of whether I like it or not , more a case of whether you can find him or not . ’
26 With Lovejoy and Charlotte , it 's not a case of ‘ Will they , wo n't they ? ’ — it 's ‘ When will they ? ’
27 But Campbell said : ‘ It 's not a case of him talking me into the move .
28 It 's not a case of helping because in the letters I know what , I know what I 'm doing , I 'm just , I 'm just gone to ,
29 It 's not a case of believing for a miracle every day , but it 's a case of having faith and trust in the Christ of the miracle .
30 And it 's not a case of , we become sinners because we sin , but rather the bible teaches us , we sin because we are sinners !
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