Example sentences of "[be] not a [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 I am not a child to be frightened by a resolution of a board of directors , or to be soothed by the present of shares ( each carrying 10 liability ) in a company which has been losing money every year from its commencement , and which nothing short of a miracle could make pay a dividend as hitherto managed ; neither is my position in Scientific Circles here such as to render my retaining the editorship of any advantage to me — indeed , I am vain enough to think that I confer more than I receive .
2 Members must have been trading in the UK for at least two years and must disclose their turnover and profits — lack of profits are not a bar to membership however , he added , because ‘ we would hate to disallow the big international business machine companies ’ .
3 This is a very good program but , if you are not a novice to spreadsheets or computers , you will find it frustrating as it will be too slow for you .
4 The favoured solution is therefore to find ways of slowing cars to speeds at which the short sight-lines are not a danger to children .
5 People who have HIV or AIDS are not a danger to others and they do not need to tell people at school , at work or people that they meet every day .
6 Now villagers feel that AIDS sufferers should be treated with compassion , and that they are not a danger to others if it is known how to protect oneself from the disease .
7 We never attribute any goodwill to the minority interest ( since they are not a party to the transaction ) nor attempt to extrapolate the group 's goodwill to establish a theoretical goodwill attributable to the minority interest .
8 ‘ You 're not a person to me anymore .
9 Others thought the CDP ‘ should not back down from accreditation as this would seem to suggest that CDP were not a body to be taken seriously ’ .
10 Also , in several European countries legislation had been passed to ‘ extend ’ agreements to employers who were not a party to the negotiations ( see Chapter 5 ) .
11 Certainly individual ammonoid species became extremely widespread , and oceans were not a barrier to their distribution .
12 He claimed scientific evidence had shown low levels of salmonella in water were not a risk to health .
13 A spiritual director is not a problem-solver to whom we run for infallible answers .
14 Apparently , for the ‘ exclusively heterosexual ’ X , homosexuality is not a submitting to another man but a competition with , a displacing of , him .
15 They must be empowered to demand excellence in the courses that they attend and realise that their education is not a favour to them but a means of preparing them to be the sort of doctors that we want in the future .
16 A test ban is not a short-cut to a nuclear-free world .
17 This is not a decision to be entered into lightly .
18 there is no doubt that this is not a publication to be left around the bedroom floor gathering foot prints and Coca-Cola stains , but then similar neither is it to lie moribund on the coffee table or in the display cabinet .
19 Demerger is clearly the right road but it is not a freeway to success .
20 What these boardroom blouses and toerags at the turnstiles do not realise is that football management is not a skill to be acquired through hard work , but a gift from God .
21 All eyes of course will be on Cheltenham where John Taylor will be trying to prove that being black is not a bar to becoming a Conservative Member of Parliament .
22 Contrastingly , it is not a defence to a civil claim where legislative standards are regarded as minimum which should , in some circumstances , be exceeded by the reasonably prudent producer .
23 With some horses , animation that is not a response to anxiety or fear , becomes a thing of the past ; but with others , especially Arabians , cheerfulness and animation continue as a consistent part of their personality .
24 Goldring says : ‘ It is not a response to PMA and contains nothing about civil defence ’ .
25 FRESH evidence that there is not a link to toxic chemical sprays , such as Agent Orange , and increased birth defects in veterans ' children has been provided in a study by the Australian Commonwealth Institute of Health .
26 Individualism is not a creed to be adopted by women .
27 Woolton told the House of Lords on 30 April 1952 that ‘ the work of the co-ordinators is not a responsibility to Parliament ; it is a responsibility to the Cabinet ’ .
28 ‘ Death ’ , said my dad , ‘ is not a journey to some pleasant place .
29 For example , the question whether the common sense of advanced capitalist societies is qualitatively similar to the common sense of medieval society is not a question to be answered by the application of universal notions .
30 His efforts to recover them have been hampered by the fact that Britain is not a subscriber to the 1970 UNESCO convention for the return of cultural property to its country of origin .
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