Example sentences of "[be] i [verb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Am I to watch another woman sink into her grave for want of a little compassion ? ’
2 In saying ; ‘ It 's me , in answer to ; ‘ Who is the youngest professor in the faculty ? ’ , am I distinguishing one person from another ?
3 And then there was this he sa the green knight said I am I having some chocolate ?
4 Am I doing this right ? ’ asked Twoflower anxiously .
5 I mean I 've got your address which is erm is here , am I missing any part of the address ?
6 ‘ Are you serving me food , or am I interrupting some kind of talent contest ? ’
7 Oh fuck , am I making any sense ?
8 when th they 're in a public park , as these are I think public safety has to take priority over the wildlife consideration .
9 But it 's been I think great fun and I will wish to renew my thanks to those who made it possible and that of course is you by being here .
10 Erm what I 'll do actually seeing as I 'm I get easy access to the town centre is I will go in there and see if they will agree to it , and if they wo n't
11 that 's what I 'd guessed , erm , so I said no , I said they 're fine , so she said oh I 'm ever so sorry I said do n't be I said these sort of things get around , I mean it 's , she kept go and then I went on to describe how I virtually done not too a dissimilar thing going up the road trying to talk to people about writing in to object , you know with this planning application and erm , I said I sort of knock on someone 's door up there and I thought it was the next door that the husband had died and it was that one
12 Were I to tell that story to my own son and tell him too of the subsequent shame and guilt that haunted me for months and is still so deeply etched in my memory , he would laugh and wonder what it was all about .
13 we had a meeting earlier this week were I got huge support , indeed some were urging me not to give way at all on the Paignton amendment .
14 Well , two or three years ago , I said to really mad , there 's me working full time , him on shifts and me Monday to Friday , nine till five , come Friday night I start and I spend the entire weekend washing , ironing , cooking , and
15 I mean , here 's me saying smelly bum , you know !
16 Thing is I had some wool and I had the thing .
17 I said , I said thing is I said last time everybody thought Carla was gon na get highly commended or honours do you remember ?
18 Well that 's , what I do is I use that metal that you can hang it with and just hang it onto a little hook so it 's up and over and out of the way .
19 Now that is I mean all age worship every Sunday ?
20 I think that 's true what Yona says you know it it is Cos you know I the sort of the political people of the town tend to be councillors who are er men mainly and set in their ways and think that because they 've got the label councillor behind you know b front of their name that they 're they are for life you know it 's And they 're sort of respectable inverted commas members of the community and you know and I mean I hope that out of out of all this I mean it 's it 's a shame it has to happen in such a desperate situation you know because I mean none of us can really feel glad that Because to be on strike is I mean each day is is hard I 'm sure for well I mean I can only say because to be close to people on strike it 's quite a unique thing really for me and i you become so involved and close to people and you realize how hard it is for them .
21 ‘ All I know is I got this invitation in the mail about Studio 54 — for business networking .
22 There is this commitment to overthrowing feudalism through class struggle and there is I think this vision that under new society will be more egalitarian , not completely egalitarian
23 Yes it 's , it 's I suppose human nature to want to pursue your craft wherever you can .
24 Léonie said very fast : what happened was I saw this person all in red .
25 I did tell him how much it was I said sixteen pound sixteen pound for Angela .
26 At no time was I given any indication , by any BW personnel , that there were any reservations about the project .
27 Thus was I learned that Love is our Lord 's meaning
28 How was I to address this question — how could I , as a sociologist , come to a conclusion that anyone , whether an admirer or an opponent of the Unification Church , would have to agree was as objective and unbiased as possible ?
29 And why was I having this trouble with people ?
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