Example sentences of "[be] a [noun sg] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 So if you 're a boxing fan this is the sort of video that you would enjoy , now it 's a boxing question , name the three world heavyweight champions that currently hold titles .
2 You 're a villain saying that !
3 Do you really think I am a man to do such things ? ’
4 The same happened to Foxley Wood ( Hampshire ) and Tillingham Hall ( Essex ) , new towns that would have been a dream come true for some people , but which were deemed unjustifiable and unnecessary by the Government inspector of planning appeals .
5 As part of the Aquino governments crackdown on the 19 year old communal insurgency , there has been a drive to outlaw legitimate political groups , including GABRlELA .
6 As Henige ( 1982 ) points out , there has been a tendency to use such informants to the exclusion of others , with the result that data are biased towards the experience of a small number of individuals .
7 A number of economists have placed some of the blame for poor economic performance on a failure to modernize ( there has been a tendency to retain old plants and to support traditional but declining industries , such as textiles ) ; on the emphasis given to maintaining a balance of payments surplus in order to fund overseas military spending and foreign investments , pursued at the expense of economic growth , and on a failure of postwar economic management to manipulate supply as well as demand .
8 There has also been a tendency to impose new curricula and policies without sufficient preparation of teachers and administrators .
9 Lastly I fear that because the Mathematics programmes came first and were so well organised and established , with the neat sequential task of curriculum development so easy to define ( despite its obvious size ) , there may have been a tendency to concentrate scarce resources upon an item which , on sober reflection , I believe now to be a lowish priority in the primary curriculum .
10 That Conservatives have been keen to sustain this argument should have sounded alarm bells for scholars of Conservatism , but the only alarming thing has been a tendency to accept this concept of Conservatism almost at face value .
11 Perhaps because the mind is the crucial organ in the human body , there has always been a tendency to ostracize such people from society .
12 There has been a tendency to regard such provisions as government largesse to be dispensed at the unfettered will of the public body .
13 She 'd been a fool to think one polite little apology would be enough to put everything right between them .
14 It has been a privilege to enjoy close contact with the College and so many Somervillians .
15 ‘ If there 'd been a way to avoid this mess , we 're experienced enough in the business to have spotted it ! ’
16 It would have been a pity to break those very handsome seals , I 'm glad I held my hand . ’
17 It must have been a wrench to give some of it up , but you had a choice ; I never had a choice . ’
18 And Armistice Day is the best and brightest memory of all because it had been a war to end all wars and no one would ever allow such a thing to happen again …
19 it would normally , if I recall correctly at the time , there would normally been a memorandum listing new charges for each development
20 Since this value system is so pervasive and so accepted there has never really been a need to develop other value systems that arise from actual social situations .
21 There has been a failure to see constitutional theory and political practice as in dynamic interaction each with the other ; there has been a failure to recognise that interpretations of the constitution are always relative to time , place , and our position as observers ; and so there has been the simple view that the constitutional set-up as it is , as it is said to be , and as it is said it should be , have all been as of one .
22 In recent years there has been a move to teach young people in residential care practical skills such as cooking and budgeting which they will need when they leave care .
23 Alternatively it might have been a shop purveying cooked food , or it could have provided eating facilities for travellers along the road .
24 But if the videos seem like some psychologist 's nightmare , to the people who make them , they are a dream come true .
25 Regular trims are a must to keep split ends at bay .
26 This question is for the railway specialists , but is also included because quizzes are a way to learn odd railway titbits .
27 The others are a bit sprawling those blackbirds I think .
28 It is this question which is the ultimate one ; the others are a screen to hide modern man from his real self , as T.S .
29 Henley I 'm told are a team transformed this season , is that down to Clive Woodward ?
30 Neither objectives nor plans are an invitation to become inflexible .
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