Example sentences of "[be] [Wh adv] [adj] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So this is how one chance question at evening classes gets passed on from machine to machine .
2 It is impossible , and it would be foolish , to stop them doing so , for this is how competent language users handle discourse .
3 We do this in the belief that this is how competent language users handle discourse and that this is the best way of approaching discourse at any level of language development .
4 What matters more than prior political involvement is how far Law Lords consciously or otherwise are influenced in their judgments by their own political opinions , how far this is avoidable and how far it is undesirable .
5 All you ever hear is how great football teams like Newcastle/Chelsea/West Ham/Liverpool/Scum have always played ( even Wolves got a mention somewhere the other day ) , & how they always stick to thier principles .
6 The question that begs an answer is how much hip dysplasia is inherited and how much is induced by the diet and lifestyle of the pup when it is young .
7 What is striking in any analysis of this sort is how much carbon dioxide is attributable to consumption of energy by the domestic sector : 29.1 per cent in 1987 as a result of all those central heating systems , television sets and cooking stoves .
8 What remains to be deter- mined , however , is how this messenger pathway interacts with maturation-promoting factor to orchestrate an orderly entry into mitosis .
9 It 's easier to work in metric , as that is how most bathroom furniture is specified .
10 But he 'd have to wait at least another 2 and a half hours — that 's how long Mae Luz 's flight from Manila was delayed .
11 That 's how many man hours , that job takes .
12 That 's how many East Germans we deported into the Soviet Union after the war . ’
13 That 's how chief executive Sipko Huismans views the year ahead .
14 That 's how much sponsorship Steve Redgrave is searching for .
15 Look that 's how much battery power I 've got left .
16 That 's how these marriage counsellors make their money , you know . "
17 That 's when immediate telephone advice and help from a tradesman is really needed .
18 This is why Japanese car factories are known rudely as ‘ transplants ’ : unnatural organs vulnerable to rejection by their new body .
19 Some countries monitor its use more strictly than others , which is why jaundiced Trading Standards Officers sometimes call it the ‘ Cover Everything ’ mark .
20 That is why many Opposition Members have consistently and persistently been against it .
21 This is why low heat flows are recorded at the surface immediately behind the trench ( Fig. 3.7 ) .
22 While I suspect that it has absolutely nothing to do with tennis matters , ( although I will seek to justify its inclusion in this column in a moment ) , one thing I have never understood is why long haul flights in airlines are often so much cheaper than those for far shorter journeys .
23 The correct pitch for any model can only be determined by experiment , which is why experienced contest flyers prefer to have too much negative and ‘ fly the pitch ’ on the way down .
24 For example , er , males are fitter than females , er human males , in the sense of sporting achievement and this is why all sporting events that we rely on athletic prowess have to be segregated .
25 This is why current affairs programmes concentrate so much on doom and gloom , even away from the big stories of the day .
26 Finally , claims based on public law rights might well raise factual issues more suited to resolution in an action begun by writ than by Ord. 53 procedure ; conversely , claims based on private law rights may well raise no such issues — which is why originating summons procedure is available as an alternative to writ procedure for claims brought outside Ord. 53 .
27 The important question , however , is why high capital intensity is associated with lower ROI even when market share is high .
28 He commented : ‘ Infants like to learn through experience , which is why these activities boxes are so good . ’
29 That is why National Westminster Insurance Services Ltd. , the Bank 's independent and impartial insurance broking Company , has selected the Family Bond from Family Assurance — Britain 's largest tax-exempt Friendly Society .
30 Surely you would want one or the other , which is why this rackmount Ampeg looks like a good match for the Yamaha bass ; it has straightforward controls which are still exactly what you would want , and you can then modify the sound with the bass itself .
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