Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 The existence of these different anatomical plans , without intermediates , again raises the question of whether there are only a small number of possible body plans , represented by the existing phyla , or whether we are looking at the end results of a series of historical accidents .
2 I said , well that 's not much good when you 're hanging from the end of a rope .
3 Not just as a , not just a song that we 're singing at the end of a sermon but as a prayer , yes , here I am Lord !
4 You can pack it up , but you can still see the front so you know how near you 're getting to the end of your job .
5 I du n no I mean I 'll mention it to the deputy again and say look we 're getting towards the end of a financial year , there will be some departments underspent because er suppliers ca n't meet deadlines and really you should keep in mind that w we have n't got er we ca n't just pluck five thousand pounds out of our budget .
6 Presumably when you do land in a position like that even though as you say you 're getting near the end of the game for the blue ball , you would n't deliberately not go through the hoop , if you 'll put in that , if you put yourself in that position ?
7 They are , they 're starting with the end result , and of course in this particular book , they 're , what they 're starting with really , was n't a general psychological biography of Wilson , so much has , the problem , why did Wilson give everything away in the conference ?
8 Well I 'm only trying to find just a few more recordings for her because they 're coming towards the end of the er
9 ‘ We 're coming to the end of the millennium .
10 You and the management will agree that you 're coming to the end of that assignment and you get you get a new one .
11 You literally get a phone call to say er we 're coming to the end of this assignment here 's your next one .
12 I think that people who are living in a fixed abode are paying in the end .
13 European overlordship , however , was to prove incompatible with the notions of Arab nationalism that had been growing since the end of the nineteenth century ; and it was no surprise that this would become apparent first in the most advanced country in the region , Egypt .
14 Woolwich says six-month arrears are back to the levels of February 1988 and the Abbey National says short-term arrears have been declining since the end of last summer and repossessions are stable or falling .
15 As many of you will know , we are going at the end of January , with the programme , to Australia , to be broadcasting live from Sydney for a whole week to mark Australia Day .
16 Relatively few and compared those that are going in the end going to another year
17 Now the pair reveal that they had not planned the child they are expecting at the end of the year .
18 With such low interest rates for savers it is important to analyse just what you are getting at the end of the plan 's life and this is just what this month 's spreadsheet is all about .
19 ‘ Self-determination is the right of all people in the world , including Germans , but it only makes sense when one does not lose sight of the concerns of others … we are coming to the end of a century which has seen the special responsibility of Germans for some terrible things . ’
20 The majority of Tom Troubadour 's opponents are coming to the end of much busier campaigns , and the novice Merry Master may prove the main threat .
21 The students are coming to the end of their additional assessments now : they 've been working on their projects since December .
22 Open prisons like Leyhill house offenders who are coming to the end of their sentences .
23 11.57 / 3 Now some of the trees he planted are coming to the end of their natural life and the present Duke of Marlborough has begun a restoration programme to replace them and keep the landscape gardens they were originally laid-out .
24 The majority of our buildings were built in the 60s and 70s and many of these installations are coming to the end of their life , ’ said Mr Eyton-Jones .
25 I would like to think Mr that you are coming towards the end
26 As they begin a particular stage of the ministry we also pray for those who are coming towards the end of that particular stage of the ministry .
27 Traditionally a quiet time in the market place and with the majority of London 's contemporary art dealers involved in one or all of the art fairs taking place in Miami ( 14–18 January ) , London ( 21–24 January ) and Madrid ( 12–17 February ) , there are few new exhibitions planned for the weeks ahead , although several impressive gallery shows which opened before Christmas are continuing until the end of the month .
28 I shall not take any more interventions , as I am coming to the end of my speech and many hon. Members wish to speak .
29 The House will be relieved to hear that I am coming to the end of my list of telephone calls .
30 A Royal Ulster Constabulary spokesman said : ‘ Although he may have been coming to the end of his racing career , he was potentially valuable for stud purposes . ’
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