Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The woods were extensive and the two men had been walking about the property for over an hour .
2 Suddenly the penny dropped , and Meredith knew why he 'd been prowling about the airport like an angry lion .
3 ‘ Karen was telling me you are writing about the workforce rather than about the plant 's operational side .
4 He 's been bouncing about the office all day like a rubber ball . ’
5 They are home for a week or a month ; the rest of the time they are wandering about the world .
6 And finally , erm again we 've been told that you either not remembering or you 're lying about the trousers .
7 ‘ We 're up in the air at the moment , ’ Bono concludes a line of conversation where we 're wondering about the direction and attitude of new music ( But can you trust it ? ) especially those current wagon hoppers such as Killing Joke ( J'accuse ! ) .
8 ‘ You 're calling about the cocaine shipment , ’ he said .
9 erm if you 're asking about the twinning off erm compared with spending on recreation , or on erm environmental health or something , well yes , of course , we do have to make choices .
10 laugh , unfortunately you ca n't erm ca n't erm when I was giving this similar lecture two or three years ago , erm there was er a student in the class she put up her hand she said yes , she said that 's absolutely right she said , what you 're saying about the female does n't have to submit she said I used to work as a , as a stable maid at Newmarket at a stud farm and she said er you 've got ta have five people for er er to cover a mare .
11 And now you 're moaning about the diet !
12 Once again , we 're hearing about the phenomenon of the hemline that plummets in a recession .
13 When you 're arguing about the money to be spend on repairs , and for example the reason why we 've had to get strict budgetary control on the amount of money which is being spent on repairs , is because that money all comes out of tenants ' rents , and it 's basically a balance — if we want to increase the erm numbers and the standard of repairs that we offer as a landlord , then it has to be met by a further increase in rents , and we think we 've got the balance about right at the moment .
14 Even when we 're talking about the person who has right of way on a roundabout .
15 Well let's just give you some idea , we 're not talking er telephone figures here we 're talking about the platform that we give people to earn that sort of money .
16 When we talk about online we 're talking about the ability for the software infrastructure to support decision support and transaction processing .
17 So descendants of John and Jane , er John Wilson died in nineteen hundred and three , at age seventy six , so we 're talking about the turn of the century .
18 You , you , we 're , I presume we 're talking about the sounds that can be heard by our ears , by
19 Now you 're talking about the AOL .
20 We 're talking about the year 2000 , intelligent robots , the nearest thing to the human mind and human handling ability yet devised .
21 And while we 're talking about the man 's divine right to know , little babies are born knowing all they need to know about love : they 're unselfconscious , they can communicate , and their first experience — sucking — is a sensual one !
22 We 're talking about the noises .
23 You 're talking about individuals that have come in here , or you 're talking about the tenants ' association , the representation
24 But it is taken into account if we 're talking about the cost of life cover .
25 Paralysis , when a limb is paralysed there is complete loss of movement and feeling , if you 're talking about paralysis , loss of limbs , we 're talking about the severance , would you believe , of any two limbs .
26 The good stuff is here , where you 're talking about sixty six percent of you trailer as being Express , you 're talking about the consignments on a trailer , the items on a trailer , and then that , the revenue per trailer , why do you want to move it next day ?
27 Just just by way of informa information , the regional routes rail network , you 're talking about the Harrogate line , the one to Scarborough and ?
28 Wi with with with all due respect you know we we we 're talking about the precision of the word and when you actually come to a ten point scale there will be some imprecision anyway in the is it a six ?
29 You 're talking about the case . ’
30 Could I just take you back , David , on the point where you 're talking about the things that the teacher might recognise .
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