Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] that [adj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Police are warning that two armed robbers who hit a man over the head with a sawn off shotgun , could kill if they 're not caught soon .
2 Almost a quarter of road accidents happen in the middle of the afternoon and experts are warning that just one drink at lunchtime can make you fall asleep at the wheel .
3 You 're suggesting that these simple tasks are beyond my capabilities ? ’
4 But they 're warning that nineteen ninety three could be different — with new EC regulations allowing in a flood of dangerous fireworks from Europe .
5 ‘ You 're saying that this crazed man fitted the picture ? ’
6 ‘ The one and only thing you share ultimately together is sex and if you step outside your marriage you are sharing that one ultimate thing with another body another person , ’ Claudette tells him .
7 do a bit of shopping so yeah , I have n't been doing that this last few weeks but , any
8 He said : ‘ You are saying that all those people in my constituency ‘ We do n't want you .
9 ‘ You seem to be saying that this first forest is an imaginary place .
10 Here is another equation , We wish to find what number I stands for , unc We have now " solved the equation " for You may well be thinking that all this working out is not needed since you can work out the answer in your head Very soon though you will be given problems too difficult to work out in your head , At that time you will have to use the method you re practising now ,
11 Well er as I say I think , er if if if the County Council are are insisting that any new settlement erm should be self contained , I think one would need to see what that definition is before we can be clear as to whether or not it has it has strategic implications .
12 And they are insisting that any cross-channel transfer fee for O'Hare or winger Johnny McIvor be ploughed back into strengthening the team locally .
13 Instead we are arguing that all academic texts are effectively working with a particular brief and it is important that this be either spelled out in the production of academic texts or taken apart systematically by the readership .
14 By 1926 , the London County Council were insisting that any new cars purchased by adjoining undertakings and intended for through running over their tracks , must conform very closely to their own standard design , namely their ‘ E/1 ’ Class .
15 I mean , I know that 's what Glasgow two thousand , we , various people here are er , are hoping that that that smoking will become a thing of the past , do you think , do you think it will ?
16 Now his parents , Albert and Carla , are hoping that some good can come out of their heartbreak by buying vital equipment for Alder Hey Hospital .
17 Duhem is suggesting that individual non-observation sentences can not be conclusively verified or conclusively falsified by observation , by the evidence of our senses .
18 ‘ It is fitting that these important landscape features should be given priority and where possible repaired or rebuilt , ’ said a spokesman .
19 Though it is not within the province of Collecting Lustreware to treat this topic in depth , it is reassuring that this personal side of the industry is noted — ‘ British potters , often quite humble and now unremembered potters and their decorators — who were very often young boys or girls — used ( lustre ) to enhance inexpensive everyday earthenware articles . ’
20 It 's being reported by an American television network , that Iraq is saying that all foreign hostages in Saddam Hussein 's human shield , can leave Kuwait and Baghdad if President Bush promises not to launch an attack .
21 She is saying that this good thing , this knowledge , can be used — to tell us , for example , that Amis is not a Tudor writer : but she is rather more moved to say at the same time that it ca n't or can hardly be used , devoted as she is to the thought of a separation between , in this case , Amis 's friendships and politics , his life — and his art .
22 That 's that 's part of , of presumably , one of the objections from the U K Government , erm , that essentially , it 's saying that that these arguments ca n't be , justified on health and safety grounds and that that the approach , de-regulation and freedom in the market to al allow people to do what they want to do , which is the fact that they , if they want to work twelve hours , then presumably the Government and yourself are supporting that that freedom .
23 He is assuming that all those people now paid below what his party would bring in as a minimum wage would keep their jobs .
24 Because of this amnesty requirement , Hanoi is insisting that each separate name has to be cleared , to ensure that individuals are not wanted for ordinary offences .
25 The significance of his gearless pedestal has not yet been fully realised but it so influenced engineer 's thinking that solar powered lights are feasible even in the higher ranges .
26 I think it 's wrong to underestimate erm i i it 's particularly initially , how , how positively reinforced it can , it can be around you erm , just this the idea of losing weight and that er you know , people will be wha , for whatever reasons are , either envious or they want to know how you can do it , they want to know , and particularly if it 's linked with exercise then it 's all very good things to do and you know , the media 's telling you and a , everyone 's telling that this healthy lifestyle that actually then goes out of control through being so controlled erm e e , there 's a , well there 's a thin line between it , being a very positive experience , and you 're suddenly buying smaller jeans and erm you know , it 's just everything is is feeding , if that 's the right word , this idea that it , that that it 's tremendous to be
27 Yet only weeks ago he was saying that existing derelict land was needed for greening the cities , and providing amenities for citizens .
28 Already he was arguing that these three different ideologies were facets of the same truth .
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