Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 I was amazed to realise that some of them had been using their machines for five years and had no idea of the machines capabilities because all the instructions are written in either English , Spanish or Japanese ; nothing in Thai .
2 Ellis denied he was a ‘ pimp ’ and had no idea the youngster may have been using his premises for her work .
3 Ideally , you should adjust your eating so that you are meeting your aims for goal weights or are at least 2 to 3 lb ( 1 kg ) within your goal weight for any particular week .
4 The Miami Cubans are flexing their wallets for the return to a country whose people are healthier , better educated and less racially divided than when the exiles left .
5 People are saving their resources for other basic needs .
6 Several chandlers are revising their catalogues for the new year .
7 She 's been reported missing and we 're checking her movements for the two weeks before she vanished . ’
8 To become an agent , these social secretaries simply have to reverse their roles with the agents who have been selling them acts for the previous few years .
9 RIGHT : Chief teacher Kenny Roberts has been scaring his pupils for years with his killer look .
10 And this will assist the fragmentation around the imagined absoluteness of ethnic differences upon which both the New Right and the ‘ cultural nationalists ’ from the ethnic minorities have been premising their demands for cultural separatism in education ( cf.
11 Unable to take up residence in the Baabda palace occupied by Gen Aoun , this was where he had been conducting his consultations for the formation of a government of national unity .
12 Unable to take up residence in the Baabda palace occupied by Gen Aoun , this was where he had been conducting his consultations for the formation of a government of national unity .
13 ‘ Bore da , Hari , there 's a good girl you are finishing my boots for me and you with your mam so recently passed away .
14 Pat had been attending my classes for a long time — years in fact .
15 Computers would compete with manual labourers , but Western countries had been losing their jobs for years already ( as anyone knows who buys plimsolls in the supermarket and reads the label . )
16 No one wants to see students forced to abandon their studies for financial reasons and no one wants to see students in hardship , but I do not believe that students are abandoning their studies for financial reasons .
17 You are unlikely to be using their services for material to send out to the media , though they could be a useful source of illustrations for internal publications , but you may be able to place some of your material with them for use by other organisations .
18 ‘ Let's say that I 'm booking my holidays for January , ’ he replied .
19 I 'm sure doctors will now be revising their arrangements for storing medicines safely .
20 He paused dramatically , gazing so intently at each child below him that Sam thought he must be scanning their heads for lice .
21 On Tuesday in Strasbourg he will be renewing his calls for a crackdown on EC agricultural fraud .
22 By early November however , as the Dublin lock-out attacks against leaders of the trade unions and the Labour Party who seemed to be obstructing his plans for a general strike , not only in Dublin , but throughout Great Britain , vilifying them as " serpents whom I shall allow to raise their foul heads and spit out their poison no longer " and as having " neither soul to be saved nor body to be kicked " Almost overnight , support for Larkin turned into denunciation of his reckless methods and of his policy of attempting to bleed British unions of funds in support of sympathy strikes which seemed destined either to fail or to lead to unwanted revolution .
23 He was probably displeased too that she would be joining his friends for dinner .
24 Rather than risk a humiliating defeat — and with it the end of presidential aspirations — Gore , and other senior Democrats , were thought to be reserving their challenges for the 1996 contest .
25 Instead this aspiring England squad , many of who will be hoping to fill the gaps left by the ‘ Dad 's Army ’ veterans as well as challenge for British Lions places next summer , will be cutting their teeth for such momentous challenges on lowly provincial opposition like Wairarapa-Bush and Wanganui .
26 She 's bound to be fussing with something or other when we arrive , and we 'll be twiddling our thumbs for twenty minutes before she condescends to appear . ’
27 Say , I 'm counting my calories for that bit of cake !
28 Well if we were granted time off without pay then , which is , this is a distinct possibility yeah , er would the respective unions present here be reimbursing their members for loss of earnings ?
29 He seems to be making his demands for concessions from the industry on the basis that otherwise he will go for a ban .
30 The British music business seems to be changing its practices for collecting money .
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