Example sentences of "[be] [v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As well as providing an all-weather play house , the children are building their knowledge of maths , science , technology and English .
2 David Lloyd clubs , all 7 of them — and more to come — are building their reputation on quality of service , something which has allowed him the entrepreneurial satisfaction of seeing his company expand , when others around him are failing , victims of all the British recession .
3 The employees are accepting their fate with the usual mix of bitterness and resignation .
4 Mr Takeshita 's immediate aim is to show the Americans that he is as adept in international affairs as in domestic politics , and that they are wasting their time on a boy like Mr Kaifu .
5 Fribble , who had been eating his supper with industrious pleasure , said , ‘ I never heard that story until lately , you know .
6 They are shaping her mind with God 's sacred Word .
7 Producer Lord Grade wants Lowe to star as a writer whose aunts are using their basement as a mortuary .
8 The numerous surveys of ( their own ) " temps " conducted by agencies supplying secretarial and office staff ( see , for example , Alfred Marks , 1982 ; Reed , 1986 ; Manpower , 1986 ) , whilst suffering from selectivity bias and/or containing leading questions , show that a substantial proportion of " temps " are looking for permanent jobs ; but they also suggest that some of these at least are using their experience of temporary jobs to find out what sort of permanent work they would like .
9 Now the plot actual and fitted , right , so we try to explain the actual block of textile consumption as the blue line and to do that we are using our model with those fixed estimates , the incoming elasticity and the price elasticity .
10 To get power , you are using your power against the power that the opponent gives to you .
11 Your policy covers you while you are using your car in any country defined in the territorial limits .
12 Your policy covers you while you are using your car in any country defined in the territorial limits .
13 Your policy covers you while you are using your car in any country defined in the territorial limits .
14 Your policy covers you while you are using your car in any country defined in the territorial limits .
15 This biggest sister to the popular J/24 has already been proving her pedigree on race courses in Britain and the States
16 Groups in our society such as Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace and the Green party are to be congratulated for the energetic way they are drawing our attention to the issues involved .
17 Apple , in particular , have been building their repertoire of authoring tools ever since they launched their quintessential multimedia platform , the Macintosh .
18 They think I 'm reconciled , but I 've only been biding my time for a chance like this one you 've brought me now .
19 So , if you are intercepting your track at an angle of 30° , you will wait until your RC has moved to a point where it is displaced 30° from the RC 0° to 030° or 330° .
20 He 'd been helping his wife to , she must work for the council and he 'd been helping her and he said er the matron at Comfort House had asked and he , and he 'd noticed Jim 's name on when he delivered ours so he knew where they could , he 'd take them .
21 But now the men managing her money are accusing her father of a bid to take complete control .
22 In fact I feel happy to be alive and I am enjoying my relationship with my husband and my children .
23 ‘ I am wasting my time with you .
24 The earliest the matter can be raised again is in January when the new Congress returns , and although if the benefit is reintroduced it may well be retroactive to1 January , potential donors are biding their time for the moment .
25 Just as I am drawing his attention to the point and beginning what I know will be a long and wearying discussion , Mirsal , who has been fighting the cabman about his fare outside , appears and lets loose such a torrent of thumbnail word portraits of the clerk 's family that , used as I am to his powers in this respect , I am struck dumb with admiration .
26 In both cases the choice is between the serious but dull ( when seeing Paul she had been completing her thesis on religious poetry ) and the creative but frivolous ( she collaborates with Bernard on a book about adultery in medieval literature ) .
27 I 've just realised that as we talk , we are hanging our show on the miners and that there is not one image by a woman .
28 With some clients , such as Nissan , Nuclear Electric , Volkswagon Audi and Flight Refuelling , we are auditing our performance in the catering and facilities operations directly with our clients , resulting in true contract partnership . ’
29 We are maintaining our investment in training and development throughout the group .
30 We are maintaining our policy of improving the competitive efficiency of our retail networks .
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