Example sentences of "[be] [det] who [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Even Mr Fraser of Neill 's , a source of many choice quotations on this issue had to admit that not all the women got married : " there are some who stay a long time .
2 There are some who say the vision occurred at Halling and one sceptic says the wind whistling through the palace in its Ninous condition combined with his fever would account for the voices .
3 Blessed are all who fear the Lord ,
4 Also there are many who roam the world in an entirely superficial fashion , who are not really " present " anywhere , who get bits and pieces of ideas from all over but who do not really understand them .
5 While Lord Young , for the Government , may well favour selling parts of the United Kingdom to Japan ( " They ca n't take it with them " ) there are many who wish the club to remain part of Britain 's heritage .
6 There are many who dislike the idea of a front-rower calling the shots because the role of their position demands their heads to be down more than up .
7 But even among these member states there are many who fear the effect of Community measures on their jobs and their ability to compete .
8 However , there are many who want an entertainer , either to do a one-hour spot or to organize the games , so the parents have very little responsibility apart from sorting out the room , sending out the invitations , and organizing the food .
9 Particularly notable are those who use the Course itself as an access device .
10 American zoologists and botanists were , like those elsewhere , divided into ‘ lumpers ’ and ‘ splitters ’ : lumpers are those who apply a coarse taxonomy , putting into one group individuals which may differ quite widely ; whereas splitters use a fine taxonomy , making species where lumpers saw only races or varieties .
11 The people who make the biggest contribution to profit are those who take a pride in being the best .
12 However , there are those who take the view that , on the day of the actual birthday , they would rather have a smaller celebration with the immediate family .
13 The truest Friends of The Earth are those who fight the natural Foes of The Earth .
14 ‘ . When a man says he will follow him ‘ but let me first say farewell to those at my home ’ , Jesus reprimands him , and when a woman cries out ‘ Blessed is the womb that bore you , and the breasts that you sucked ’ , he replies ‘ Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God ’ .
15 The dominant characteristic of political decision-making when compared with market mechanisms is not that those who benefit from public expenditure are those who make the most noise politically .
16 The influential are those who get the most of what there is to get …
17 NO PLACE ‘ There are those who argue the Secretary of State was wrong to grant consent to Wilton power station and they say that , because he was wrong consent , should be refused for transmission connections , ’ he said .
18 Now , yes I mean i i in , in terms of two thousand calories a day it , it s it seems to be six hundred and fifty , seven hundred calories , er seven hundred , right , now th th there are those who argue the hundred and fifty is starvation level .
19 The Olympic cynics are those who provide the gift horses , not those who question their presence .
20 ‘ But there are those who blame the present plight of Minginish on the misdeeds of the past .
21 In fact it something called the ‘ Gospel According to Shug ’ , which is meant to be taken seriously : ‘ HELPED are those who love the lesbian , the gay and the straight , as they love the sun , the moon and the stars .
22 On the other hand are those who offer a more radical agenda to our study of the past .
23 Words are taking on new meanings : ‘ workers ’ are those who talk the loudest , and the honest worker who shows the slightest independence is a ‘ traitor to his class ’ .
24 When viewed in this light it should not be surprising that the loudest , most powerful voices being heard in the name of animal welfare — at least in the United States — are those who have a vested interest in the perpetuation of animal exploitation .
25 1'Entrepreneurial' capitalists are those who have a substantial stake in their own firm .
26 There the voter chooses just one candidate on a list ; the total number of votes received by a party 's candidates determines its proportionate entitlement of seats ; and the candidates elected to fill them are those who have the most votes .
27 It should not be forgotten that , in addition to those being regulated , there are those who have the power to influence the composition of the accounts , thereby manipulating the directions for change that they consider desirable .
28 All of us as women have the right and and the ability to give birth , that is if we can , there 's nothing , er , medically wrong with us but then added to that there are those who have the ability to be good mothers , un unfortunately I do n't happen to fall into that category .
29 I suppose there are those who enjoy a good evening 's revising ; but there ca n't be many .
30 There are those who see the drying out of the continental interiors as a more significant consequence of climate change than sea-level rises .
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