Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] at the time " in BNC.

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1 A hoard at Ardnave may have been hidden at the time of the Civil War , between 1638 and 1650 and certainly after 1640 .
2 While few are completed at the time of writing , previews of work in progress suggest some excellent material .
3 Others were part of basic research on living tissue , and their benefits could not have been realised at the time .
4 What astonishes me is that the whole subject of injury from radiation seems to have been treated at the time with a casualness that approaches imbecility .
5 Associated with this view is the general contention that services are consumed at the time they are produced , and therefore they can not be stored , transported or resold .
6 18.2 Any such notice shall be in the English language and shall be considered to have been given at the time when actually delivered , sent by telefax or telex or in any other event within 14 ( fourteen ) days after it was mailed in the manner hereinbefore provided .
7 These prices are a guideline only and it is strongly advised that prices are checked at the time of booking .
8 Answer guide : In the former case an invoice for the goods or services supplied has been received whereas in the latter no invoice has been received at the time the accounts are drawn up therefore an estimate of the amount owing for the goods or services provided is made .
9 Journalists who telephoned the divisional police were told bluntly that the men had not even been interviewed at the time the army spokesman had made his statement .
10 If the vessel is sold unrepaired then the measure of indemnity will be the depreciation in the sale price caused by the unrepaired damage , provided such depreciation would not exceed the reasonable cost of repairs if the vessel had been repaired at the time of loss .
11 ‘ I feel she and the others should have been hanged at the time and I feel the same now , ’ he said .
12 In some localities trouble had undoubtedly been expected at the time of the Bank Holiday , and it was reported in Lambeth police court that plainclothes men had been specially stationed for the purpose of dealing with cases of street ruffianism' .
13 The last atrocity had been claimed at the time by the Ulster Freedom Fighters with the explanation that it was in retaliation for a bomb which the Provisional IRA had exploded in an army bus in England seven days earlier , killing twelve men , women and children .
14 The British Museum 's engraving of Derwentwater published by him in Manchester might have been done at the time of Yates ' map-making after West 's encouragement , but it is very poor .
15 David agrees and says America would have exploded if the ‘ truth ’ had been revealed at the time .
16 Yet for the National Government to fight the election as a government , rather than on party lines , was a clear breach of the undertakings which had been made at the time of its formation .
17 At Christchurch , proposals to replace the Gothic station of 1877 had been made at the time of the First World War and again in the 1930s , but it was not demolished until the 1950s , when it was replaced by a modern station more successful than most .
18 But in this warm and pleasant climate she was dressed in a long black dress which looked as though it had been made at the time of Heathcliff .
19 By making an alliance with Megara , Athens was clearly seeking to secure herself from a lightning invasion from the west — the threat which had been made at the time of Thasos .
20 The evidence indicated that all parts of the flying control system had been connected at the time of the accident , and no evidence of a control restriction or jam were found , although such a possibility could not be totally dismissed , given the degree of disruption in some areas .
21 It is dated December 1959 , and may therefore have been written at the time that Take a girl like you was being completed .
22 Her father 's attitude had been accepted at the time and accepted ever since .
23 The draft constituted the party 's second political platform , the first having been adopted at the time of the foundation of the Indo-Chinese Communist Party ( the CPV 's forerunner ) in 1930 .
24 The Duchess had been shot at the time she herself was captured .
25 These correlations , however , apparently increase when emotionality ratings are made at the time of recall and may increase with the age of the memory ( Linton , 1986 ) .
26 We had been told at the time he had been in trouble before .
27 By providing money for so-called buy-back operations , in which countries either bought their own commercial debts back from the banks at deeply discounted levels or , alternatively , simply used the money as collateral when negotiating low-interest bond deals , a number of countries had been able to reschedule their own external obligations on easier repayment terms than had been agreed at the time when they were made .
28 Many are thought to have been buried at the time of the Great Plague .
29 The research will describe the nature of a selection of the strategy and policy initiatives ; set out the empirical evidence used in building the strategy ; assess this against other evidence which might have been used at the time and against current practices ; use this and other evidence to evaluate the effects of policy ; and comment on the main successes and failures of the strategy .
30 The highest price tag was £75,000 for an Elizabeth Frink horse , rumoured already to have been sold at the time of going to press .
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