Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] not just [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As direct eye contact is established , then held , her pupils are dilated not just by the half-light , but by adrenalin .
2 Examples of this outward expansion , combined with an increasing centralization , are confined not just to sites dependent on a single main road , as at Brough-on-Fosse , but also to sites developing at road junctions as in the case of Great Chesterford .
3 But another feature in the projects noted is that they have elements both of research and development in them , and the work has been pursued not just with one school but usually with several concurrently .
4 These awards are won not just by those responsible for export sales — although their contribution is very important — but by every employee in the business .
5 Only this time they 're armed not just with a new album but new producers , new horizons , a new attitude and apparently a new code of conduct in interviews .
6 ‘ The offices are used not just by us but also by several local voluntary organisations , and we are anxious that they can have access to them again as soon as possible , ’ Mr Alton said .
7 More use could also be made of educational techniques to improve interpersonal social skills and increase levels of educational attainment , particularly as many long-term attenders are handicapped not just by their mental disorder but also by poor schooling and impaired learning ability .
8 Does the Minister understand that the arrogance and insensitivity of his hon. Friend , who has not agreed to a meeting for about four months now , has been noted not just by Mr. Johnston but by every farmer in the north-east of Scotland ?
9 Leithers will give the Prime Minister a warm welcome , but they will put him in the hot seat because of mass unemployment , homelessness and general misery , which have been experienced not just in my constituency , but throughout Britain .
10 Mitochondria are found not just in photocells , but in most other cells .
11 During the development of the qualification package consideration should be given not just to the training needs of assessors and internal verifiers , but also the way in which the person responsible for the day to day management of the scheme ( the central contact ) could be assisted in the planning of the implementation of the qualification in the organisation .
12 Er , this particular disease , Alzheimer 's disease was identified by Jim , who was the deputy mayor , a member of ours , who spoke to you earlier in the week , as one of the hidden diseases in our society , where more help should be given not just from the people who suffer from the disease , but from their , for their families who have to support them .
13 It is never achieved ; it is never enough : military power is to be developed not just for security of the homeland , but for restraining Imperialism throughout the world .
14 The damage can be limited not just by a vow of silence from the government 's critics , but also by intelligent fiscal action from the government itself .
15 After so much huffing and puffing , inaction now would be seen not just by Serbs but by other potential ethnic-cleansers as a green light to press ahead .
16 These observers will be drawn not just from the world of art history but will also include scholars , philosophers , writers and musicians .
17 Thus the two terms came to be used not just of modes of being with which individuals engaged but the outward life-styles they embraced .
18 He is right that any settlement must be based not just on discussions between India and Pakistan , as provided for in the Simla agreement , but on the political process in Kashmir .
19 ‘ Any development of a deep water fishery will be long-term and will be dictated not just by the availability of fish stocks but , equally importantly , by an identified customer market . ’
20 This will be affected not just by economic factors , but by demographic and social factors as well .
21 This will be affected not just by the amount of resources devoted to health , but also by the efficiency of the service .
22 He would be defended not just by the best lawyers in Egypt but probably by the best lawyers in France .
23 With a side-look at the American inner cities , he argues that collective provision must be linked not just with the needs of the have-nots , but ‘ with all people who are able to exercise their freedom only within a cooperative society imbued with a sense of fairness ’ .
24 ( The meaning of symbol in religion can be undermined not just by literalism , but by evacuating the content of the symbol , making it " just symbolism " . )
25 Any regulatory system will be judged not just by its ability to provide a ‘ fair , rate of return for investors and ‘ fair ’ prices for consumers , but on its ability to avoid under-investment .
26 Juliette , it seems to me that openness must be represented not just in the way a school carries out its activities , but also the way it 's run , the way it 's governed .
27 Dagenham 's problems need to be viewed not just in the context of Ford but of the European motor industry as a whole .
28 Christmas will be spoilt not just for those involved but for their friends and relatives .
29 Certainly he saw the Pinkie campaign not only as a military endeavour , but as something in the nature of a religious crusade ; Scotland would be snatched not just from alliance with France , but from the yoke of Rome .
30 Their skills would be tested not just in the air in freefall and static line jumping … but also in orienteering , swimming , and shooting
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