Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] down a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The person who is out in the front teaching the class , or directing the piece of work they 're doing , they do , and everybody in it does … the kind of work we do is to do with a group of people … getting into a drama studio , and you know the set-up here ; there 's no uniform , there 's no ‘ Sir ’ or ‘ Miss ’ , it 's all Christian names , and that means that the holds are broken down a lot , so what is done in the end is to produce work which we hope makes statements which come from the pre-occupations , the beliefs , the honestly held beliefs of the people involved , whether they 're working from a text , an interpretation of a text , or whether they 're working from improvisation , doing their own work … so they get constant assessment from that .
2 In these cases the chambers are approached down a flight of steps .
3 Yeah I was I had a shower , well , perhaps the water 's been turned down a bit .
4 It follows also that gravity has a negligible effect on small animals , because their surface to volume ratio is so large : if , for example , a mouse was to be dropped down a 30-metre well-shaft it would be stunned , but would scamper away relatively intact because wind resistance acting on its relatively larger surface would counteract the pull of gravity .
5 A set of pictures can be hung from ribbons or cords — for example , a set of two or three miniature ovals can be hung down a length of ribbon , with a velvet or silk bow positioned at the top of the strip .
6 For a daily paper ( given that the images can be transferred down a phone line ) I see it as a Godsend .
7 In such a context , therefore , it comes as less of a surprise to find Sidney Webb actually advocating a cut in the wages of working youths — in evidence before the 1909 Royal Commission on the Poor Laws , of all places — so that ‘ the youth , who now has even too much pocket-money , and gets , therefore , too soon independent of home , and too easily led into evil courses ’ could be brought down a peg or two .
8 Nor to be reminded of their smouldering resentments against this girl of their of age who was so ‘ lady-like ’ and ‘ nose-in-the-air ’ so that they might feel that she needed to be brought down a peg or two .
9 He deserved to be taken down a peg or two .
10 The Gary Hutchinson Memorial Appeal is aiming to raise between £12,000 and £15,000 to pay for an image transmission system which will allow those pictures to be sent down a telephone line so specialists at another hospital can advise immediately whether a patient needs to be moved for surgery .
11 The first three songs on the album are tuned down a half step . ’
12 It was like the sound of fingernails being dragged down a blackboard .
13 After that I would shower them away , and peering over my side — all in my mind — would watch them being swept down a hillside in a cleansing torrent of water .
14 The campaign was swift ; Sigismund was handed over to Chlodomer and murdered , together with his wife and children ; their corpses were thrown down a well .
15 That did not prevent her from being thrown down a mineshaft to her death in 1918 .
16 Taking Dobre aside , Ceauşescu made it clear to him that his talents were wasted down a mine .
17 Each student can make up a package of tests to go for ; he may repeat those that he fails , without the social disaster of being kept down a year ; and he may make up a mix of practical and theoretical according to a plan worked out with his class teacher , and bearing in mind what he aims to do next .
18 A narrow beam of light , about half a micron in diameter , is passed down a microscope focussed on a stained nucleus .
19 And if your victim happens to be conveniently close to the edge of a tall cliff , by the time he 's bounced down a couple of hundred metres on to the rocks , he 'll be in such a mess that the injury from the blow stands a good chance of being overlooked .
20 Main Picture Centre : Materials are lowered down a ventilation shaft for Blisworth Tunnel on the Grand Junction Canal .
21 Corbett slipped and tripped as he was pushed down a flight of steep narrow steps which ran under the keep .
22 Corbett was led down a maze of corridors and into a chamber where the Prince of Wales and Gaveston , both white-faced and sober , stood waiting to receive him .
23 He was taking an unholy delight in her discomfiture and it was high time that he was taken down a peg .
24 EVIL Tom Courtney was thrown down a flight of stairs after being confronted by angry fellow prisoners , it was claimed yesterday .
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