Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] him [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Busily he scribbled in a scratchy copperplate hand that had been taught him by a schoolmistress from the hills of Brecon his thoughts and directives in the margins of the typed sheets .
2 Our last Letters are dated Hobart Town Feb. 9 up to which time his expedition had been eminently successful ; far more so than he could have anticipated ; the most liberal assistance had been rendered him by the Authorities , everything that could facilitate his views being cheerfully accorded : while nothing could exceed the kindness of Sir John and Lady Franklin in whose house he was then residing : in fact so much were they interested in his pursuits that upon more than one occasion they accompanied him in his exploring parties .
3 But that same reader is likely to resent and disbelieve the same insight when it is told him as a fact by an author .
4 The courage of Peter er after his denial is something that was given him by the Holy Spirit .
5 Owen knew from the title that this was a member of the Egyptian Royal Family but which of the Khedive 's numerous progeny it was escaped him for the moment .
6 Yeah , I think he did er , Rumpole was put him in the big time really .
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