Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] at [adj] end " in BNC.

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1 c Models i General Hospitals Theoretically , general hospital services are unsegregated , but there is often " segregation by stealth " in that dementing patients ( often 10–20% of residents ) are placed at one end of the ward , or in single rooms .
2 Access into the high rack area is normally restricted to the high lift trucks and all other personnel are excluded — except for occasional maintenance and monitoring checks when moveable barriers are erected at each end of the aisle to prevent such entry .
3 When the great pile of boots had been collected at one end of the carriage , he spoke again :
4 Now we have two wonderful sightscreens , and to make matters worse they have been positioned at either end of the ground .
5 If we aggregate together everyone in that ‘ dependent ’ age group , i.e. , those below the age of 16 and above pensionable ages remembering the heaviest demands on services are made at each end of the age range , the percentage of dependants to total UK population has indeed remained remarkably stable throughout this century — 30 per cent in 1901 , 36 per cent in 1951 , 41 per cent in 1977 — and it is likely to remain so for the remainder of the century ; it is projected to be 40 per cent in 2001 ( Grundy , 1986 , p. 21 ; table 5.4 ) .
6 Single poles are used at either end to convert the Tube into a high profile bivi tent .
7 Enthusiasts aged 11 and over can be introduced to Superghosts , in which letters can be added at either end of the word .
8 When the best signal is obtained , the optical fibre could be secured at each end using PVC tape .
9 Advertisements may be found at either end of a book , but occur much more often at the back .
10 Once the connection is made ( and it must be said at this point that the parallel connection is far and away the faster of the two possibles ) a program rejoicing in the highly descriptive name of ‘ FX ’ must be run at either end of the link .
11 It may be possible to prepare the pit with a sloping bottom so that deeper holes can be dug at one end , leading to comparisons being made .
12 To illustrate the point further , some bridges are fixed at one end , but rest upon rollers at the opposite end , to allow for expansion .
13 The battery connections are reversed at one end of the circuit , so that each recorder can operate when the station is transmitting .
14 Bells were rung at either end of a conversation to signal the beginning and end of the call .
15 Toll houses were positioned at either end and tolls continued to be collected until 1873 .
16 The platform steps were of the fixed type and roller blind destination boxes were mounted at each end above the upper deck rails .
17 Such a gradient would arise if a substance were synthesized at one end , or along one edge , of a region , and destroyed at the other .
18 Many medieval farms in Wales consisted of only one main building , the so called ‘ longhouse ’ : farm animals were kept at one end of the house and the people lived at the other .
19 The village is punctuated at each end by the tower of a windmill .
20 The elongated body of the scorpion is armed at one end with two powerful claws and at the other with a long tail terminating in a sting .
21 The other is tapered at one end at the bottom , and it 's about the size of a tennis ball .
22 There is also more overlapping , of a kind which insists on the notion of depth : a despairing woman on the far side of the statue from which the lesser Ajax is about to drag Cassandra to rape her ; hidden faces ( Priam 's and Aeneas 's — he is shown at one end , escaping with his father and son ) .
23 In simpler creatures , granules of it are distributed evenly throughout the egg ; in a frog 's egg , it is concentrated at one end ; and in a bird 's egg it initially fills the greater part of the shell .
24 Built around two , 200-metre-long concrete pontoons , it is linked at one end and has a floating gate at the other which closes when a submarine is inside .
25 This bar is clamped at one end and the other end is then broken off by means of a heavy hammer in the form of a pendulum .
26 The rotor elements are fabricated as a single unit ( " rotor " ) , which is supported at each end of the machine by bearings and includes a projecting shaft for the connection of external loads , as shown in Fig.1.3(a) .
27 Carve one half so that it is mounded at one end and tapering at the other , to form the lid ( see illustration ) .
28 The small circular bow is for suspension from a chain while the narrow square-sectioned shank is notched at each end and has a large incised ‘ X ’ on one side .
29 Beneath the bow is a rectangular pedestal decorated with grooves , and the shank is notched at each end .
30 The square law of force means that both alternating and direct currents are registered but there is an essentially square-law scale which is cramped at one end .
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