Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 Because agents are seen merely as the supports of this structure , their intentional properties do not enter into social explanation ; and because its various components are interdetermined , the economic sphere does not have the straightforward primacy that economism requires .
2 Substantial changes to the original draft of the bill , notably the extension of all its provisions to cover Pomaks , had been secured partly as the result of agitation by several thousand Turks and Pomaks who demonstrated outside the National Assembly during the March 5 session .
3 Another , but much larger , group of vessels of late-sixth-century date , which have been assigned to a potter/workshop are known collectively as the Illington-Lackford group , after the two principal cemeteries in Norfolk and Suffolk where they have been found .
4 Profitability of successful innovations has , however , typically been competed away as the product becomes a simple standardised product or " commodity " .
5 Thus , the correlation between disaffection and bad schooling should never be treated lightly as the long term consequences in society could be devastating .
6 I thought he played excellently in our Championship year and although his confidence went completely after the punch at Ibrox , he ca n't be blamed totally as the whole defence ( except Dorigo in fairness ) did n't exactly help matters .
7 Opening up the printing trade to women could be seen either as the unscrupulous recruitment of low-paid labour or as the expansion of opportunities for educated working-class girls .
8 Material should also be selected carefully as the quality of the resource is more important than the quantity .
9 The Pacifics were used at this time on the Nottingham to Marylebone semi-fasts but they were to be transferred away as the rundown of the GC got underway .
10 A small sample of polymer suspended in this column provides a direct measure of the polymer density which can be measured easily as the temperature is varied .
11 The approach described in this book needs to be adapted flexibly as no single approach will work alone and compromises must be made .
12 It is extremely important that the trustees consider their discretions otherwise these may simply be set aside as the deeds of appointment were in the case of Turner v Turner [ 1983 ] 2 All ER 745 where the trustees simply did what the settlor stated without independently exercising their discretions ( see also Wilson v Turner ( 1883 ) 22 ChD 521 ) .
13 Some interesting manoeuvres will be experienced here as the locomotive has to be released so that it can run to Cosham and Havant to turn on the well known triangle formed by this route .
14 The people chosen will be acknowledged generally as the senior members of the party and there will be few surprises when the Cabinet is announced .
15 The cottage they bought 38 years ago for £4,500 will be swept away as the last unspoilt corner of the village becomes an estate of 150 homes .
16 It can be viewed simply as the packaging that encloses these goodies and who gets excited about the packaging of anything , once it has performed its function of delivering and protecting the goods ?
17 Violence should in such circumstances be viewed positively as a practice matter , not as a negative .
18 Civil Society is not then to be viewed merely as the world of individual needs , but rather … as sets of structured , institutionalized social practices .
19 The results , while a useful management tool , should be viewed cautiously as no two jobs are identical and the statistics may make no allowance for special circumstances .
20 This can be tightened daily as the load settles , and will protect the stack against wind .
21 Britain can not be thrown out of the EC , but if it fails to pass the bill it would be left behind as the others speed towards greater political and economic unity .
22 They know that the ball has to be released quickly as the danger for the opposition of losing the put-in at the scrum , if the hold and drive does not work , is too great .
23 To detect contamination occurring during preparation of samples , negative control samples containing only water were treated exactly as the tissue samples and examined by polymerase chain reaction techniques .
24 Top : These roses have been placed in a pot of water prior to being pressed gradually as the petals open .
25 In Africa and Asia most LDCs were former European colonial possessions and as such were considered primarily as a source of raw materials and food .
26 Relief operations in the wake of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait [ see pp. 37631-41 ; 37697 ; 37988 ] were considered to be only marginally the concern of the UNHCR , being seen primarily as the evacuation of third-party nationals to their home countries , rather than the repatriation of refugees .
27 The NARAL advertisement is an example of nonsexist language being used apparently as the norm , but in reality to make a point , to make people think of women in a context where ordinarily they might not ( as the inheritors of constitutional rights ) .
28 Newcomers — especially such crucial ones as the Chairman — were being inspected carefully as the jigsaw of the company began to fall into place .
29 The doors were flung open as the occupants climbed out , one of them dragging the girl behind him .
30 Investment criteria that are applied as a matter of course to every other company are in danger of being abandoned completely as the institutions face the prospect of being sucked in by the Government 's subtle propaganda .
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