Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [adv] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Her achievements have not been forgotten , and five awards are given annually to commemorate her work in the field of nutrition and public awareness of healthy eating .
2 Some examples are listed below to help you .
3 in which all the fingertips of the hand are joined together to form something that resembles a bird 's beak .
4 Iced sardines are trodden underfoot to soften them up .
5 questions — you will find lots of these at the end of each section : they are included mainly to stimulate your own reflections as you read , but they could also be drawn on when group discussion — at a meeting in a parish or deanery or diocesan synod — is being planned
6 Indeed , rather than attempting to teach a chimpanzee to communicate like a human , it might have been considered easier to teach it to communicate like a dog .
7 Leicestershire enter the table , and might have qualified last year if an adjustment had been made then to bring their figures into line with practices adopted by all the other counties .
8 Software for Free has been written especially to help you make that decision without having to plough through mountains of Shareware and Public Domain Software first .
9 In the meantime the BDDA in 1966 initiated a scheme whereby deaf students from this country are helped financially to continue their education at Gallaudet .
10 The pavements had been cobbled here to give it a quaint feel , and coach-loads of tourists were shuffling along with cameras dangling and guides chivvying .
11 Villagers in parts of South America are reputed traditionally to vacate their villages , lock , stock and barrel when a large ant army is approaching , and to return when the legions have marched through , having cleaned out every cockroach , spider and scorpion even from the thatched roofs .
12 Women have' in their distress , been known repeatedly to bang their heads on the walls and floor to cut and injure themselves .
13 Problems are set chiefly to test your ability to apply the law you know , and the examiner will speedily tire of reading an account of the law that is not brought into direct relation to the problem .
14 Millions of pounds which should be spent on health , education and investment will be diverted merely to restore what had existed until the IRA struck .
15 It seems to me she makes all the rules and I 'm expected just to carry them out and still be responsible .
16 Even with his handiwork through me , I thought of the sadness inevitably awaiting the others ; yet I would have to pursue him , for someone who had three times seen murder as a solution to problems could n't be trusted never to try it again .
17 The ultimate source is Sir John Hawkins , who remarks , in what appears to be a personal recollection , that Handel had ‘ a favourite Rucker harpsichord , the keys whereof , by incessant practise , were hollowed like the bowl of a spoon ’ In justice to Hawkins it must be stated that he does have a reputation for being , for his time , a careful scholar , so it is unfortunate that this brief , almost casual remark , should have been embellished with a little fanciful romancing that appears to be added only to enliven his text with some colourful anecdote .
18 I think it will be clear that the narrower the space unc the more stringent the cancellation requirement outside it , and in consequence a greater number of different waves will have to be added together to achieve it .
19 I 'm supposed just to answer you , that 's all is n't it .
20 He knew full well that the only circumstances in which a regional planning manager would not be expected personally to present his Ten Year Business Plan to the President of the Corporation was if he was already earmarked for promotion and it was desired to give visibility to his successor , or if he was on his way out .
21 I would be obliged therefore to receive your confirmation that Warriston 's Close would be available for this purpose as a matter of urgency .
22 So you 'd better be prepared today to do everything on the move .
23 So what could be done both to protect us from crime and to make us less fearful ?
24 Such a sentence as ‘ He feels sad ’ would be unintelligible without assimilation to my own feelings ; and although ‘ He is sad ’ is interpretable as a dispositional statement about behaviour , in the manner worked out in Ryle 's Concept of mind , someone who did not know that it entails ‘ He feels sad ’ could not be said fully to understand it .
25 A little fold of the veil can be drawn aside to disclose his mood at that time .
26 It contains acetic acid ( vinegar ) and should be used overnight to allow its gentle action to work , using a toilet brush in the morning before flushing .
27 It can be used defensively to convince ourselves we do not need to take their ideas , understandings and values seriously , and to reinforce our own superior knowledge .
28 Checking procedure can be used tactically to support your purpose .
29 He should be brushed daily to prevent his coat becoming badly knotted again .
30 However , they can be disentangled sufficiently to allow our study of lexical semantics to proceed .
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