Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] second place " in BNC.

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1 Only the owner was excluded from the common knowledge at Kempton that day : that her horse had been wrestled into second place by an apprentice who could n't anticipate the obvious .
2 Chairman , instead of primarily addressing the issues of overspending on the education budget and the future of the elderly persons ' homes and also the securing of a secure unit these are pushed into second place when the Labour group can see the opportunity of headline grabbing and satisfying their overriding need to tell everyone how to live .
3 Although women are a primary focus of many psychological investigations of the family , for instance , they tend to be relegated to second place in biological explanations of the results .
4 Unfortunately , as viewers discovered , John and Pam were pipped into second place , but they would n't have missed the experience for anything .
5 The MIR-ADN alliance failed to win La Paz , being pushed into second place by the Conscience of the Fatherland party ( Conciencia de Patria — CONDEPA ) ; the National Revolutionary Movement ( Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario ( Histórico ) — MNR ) came third .
6 Education officials readily admitted that a decade of Sandinista rule had not yet resolved ‘ the cultural problem we have inherited of women being relegated to second place ’ .
7 DAMON Hill saw his late father Graham 's Monaco Grand Prix record broken by Ayrton Senna but was the first to congratulate the Brazilian despite his own personal disappointment of being beaten into second place .
8 Manufacturing systems manager Phil Knapper said : ‘ Congratulations to both factories for setting such high standards and also to Mason 's Ironstone who were beaten into second place by just one point .
9 Following the elections to the Basque parliament on Oct. 28 , 1990 , the formation of a new regional government had been delayed for three months due to the breakdown of talks between the two parties which had made up the previous governing coalition — the Basque Nationalist Party ( PNV ) , which had emerged as the largest single party , with 22 seats , and the Basque Socialist Party ( PSE-PSOE ) which had been beaten into second place .
10 ‘ It was Guido 's arch-rival who he 's beaten into second place twice … he 's the one who took it , and now he 's been arrested . ’
11 The issue dominated the meeting and discussion on the ongoing peace process in Cambodia was relegated to second place .
12 He organised a presidential election in the first round of which , on March 10th , he was beaten into second place by his prime minister , Nicéphore Soglo .
13 Bowden was beaten into second place by Dublin 's Eamonn Byrne after he suffered a line penalty on the seventh test .
14 A financial advisor , he was beaten into second place by about 2,000 votes in the November by-election , having stood for the Tynebridge constituency five years ago .
15 O'Brien was beaten into second place in the pro-am competition , with his 11 handicap partner Eddie Morrell .
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