Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] more [subord] " in BNC.

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1 Some of the consequences were outlined in a study released on the eve of the conference by Arthur Andersen Petroleum Services which claimed that 20 per cent of future UK projects had been delayed for more than a year by the cash flow situation and other uncertainties .
2 With profits virtually wiped out , the payout has been slashed by more than half .
3 Nigel had been very healthy all his life and , apart from a slipped disc and the odd bout of ‘ flu , had never been incapacitated for more than a day or so .
4 When these are considered of more than local importance , they are taken up at a national level .
5 All too often , the antecedents of revolution are separated by more than a human lifespan from their fruition .
6 ‘ They are prepared for more than just a social call , ’ Taheb said .
7 Private letters are like a conversation overheard , often more revealing than an autobiography , or than a diary which may have been written with more than half an intention of allowing it to be published .
8 Yes , Nicole and I go back a long way , and yes , you could say that we 're involved on more than just a superficial level .
9 The risk for the vendor of assets is the possibility of balancing charges if the assets are sold for more than their written-down value .
10 In its memorandum on " shareholders ' pre-emption rights and vendor placings " , issued in February 1989 , the IPC of the ABI stated that , in the matter of vendor placings , shareholders are entitled to expect a right of clawback for any issues of significant size or which are offered at more than a very modest discount to market price .
11 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
12 The second route was to give the library user direct access to those machine-readable bibliographic records from which card and computer output microform ( COM ) catalogues had been produced for more than a decade through shared centralized cataloguing .
13 However , no more than about a dozen viruses have been produced on a commercial scale and only a few of these have been used on more than a few hundred hectares per year .
14 Journeys of Business are performed with more than double expedition …
15 I see now the inadequacy of this explanation ; but , apart from the fact that at that age one 's loyalties are defended with more than usual zeal , my conviction , in the Oxford of that time , was that Collingwood was the only alternative to linguistic philosophy .
16 Our awards are renowned for their transportability across the many countries in which the Board has been recognised for more than a century .
17 By this point the wealth of the local clothiers had in fact been reduced by more than half , though taxation , while extracting huge sums from the community at large , had taken little more than £1,100 , far less than had been withdrawn from the industry by the Springs .
18 Although the chance to split votes is from the British standpoint a novelty which a commentator can not ignore , it should not be regarded as more than a minor feature of the WGMS .
19 No doubt it appealed to his vanity and his ambition to be regarded as more than a mere fiddler ; but after a harrowing year it must have been a decision he bitterly regretted .
20 For him , the " Panopticon principle " ( p 216 ) should be regarded as more than just a particular example of ingenuity in architectural design ; rather : " … it was an event in the " history of the human mind " .
21 The Cabinet accepted the recommendation that a substantial British aircraft industry was required to hold off competition , and should be developed with more than just the Empire in mind ; also the premise that work on new aircraft should proceed under government direction , with the Treasury accepting responsibility for new types .
22 To claim that 1 know that my postal code is NW3 2RT is evidently to claim or be committed to more than that 1 believe it .
23 ‘ Good ’ work has to be seen as More than crime-fighting : ‘ Like , this is the sort of job that you come off at the end of the night and say to yourself ‘ What did I do ? ’
24 When viewed from this vantage point , designing can be seen as more than just a means of creating and applying technologies : it is also revealed as a means of shaping relations between people .
25 Cos I would n't lo I mean I actually do n't think you can do , if you 're gon na do people are gon na eat I th I think you 're gon na be pushed at more than about hundred and fifty to two hundred .
26 Clearly , information from the subcortical visual system can , under some circumstances , be used for more than the control of visual reflexes .
27 He pleaded for sources to be used for more than just illustration or comprehension .
28 The likely truth lies in those still-sealed files on chemical warfare experiments — but the riddle of Shingle Street refuses to be buried after more than half a century .
29 Moreover , in these models , if the firms have different and non-constant marginal costs , a further source of inefficiency is that total market output will be produced at more than minimum total cost — the marginal costs of firms are not equalized at the equilibrium .
30 If holist forms of explanation are to merit serious consideration , they must clearly be based on more than an uncritical acceptance of a crude version of historical materialism , and the claim that they are not threatened by counterfactuals such as those discussed at the start of the chapter must be given a less doctrinaire justification .
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