Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] the day " in BNC.

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1 Pegs are limited on the day so in order to guarantee to fish this popular event please confirm attendance with Dave Gunson on Ipswich 716530 .
2 When dreams are recalled during the day , it would therefore be the most salient points that would be recalled , and the colour detail , which would have been available if the dreamer had been questioned about it on awakening , will have been forgotten .
3 ( 2 ) An appeal under this section shall be lodged with the sheriff clerk within 14 days from the date of the decision appealed against or in a case where reasons for a decision have been given under section 18(2) of this Act , within 14 days from the date of receipt of those reasons , which shall be presumed to have been received on the day after the date on which they were posted , except that in the case of reasons posted on a Friday or Saturday , they shall be presumed to have been received on the Monday next following .
4 Over 80,000 are expected on the day , making it the best attended sporting event in Ulster .
5 Where the roots stick out the bank gives way to a hollow where the buffaloes are tethered during the day .
6 The jury comes to a conclusion that er the police er took whatever degree of reasonableness was breached , that the raid should n't have been made on the day it was .
7 ‘ The parcels are collected during the day by one of our franchisees and taken back to the depot .
8 Now an acting sergeant , he had a platoon of forty men to prepare for battle , all of whom still came under the overall command of Captain Trentham , who had n't been seen since the day Tommy had been released .
9 Entries are accepted on the day and the programme is : 150m girls , boys , senior men ; 300m inter-senior women , colts , youths ; 600m girls , boys , senior men ; 1,000m girls , boys , senior men ; 3,000m inter-senior women , youths .
10 Meanwhile , Besiktas hopes of signing Ronny Rosenthal have been dashed on the day Galatasaray renewed their interest in Pat Nevin .
11 In large stores and supermarkets , ‘ pick-ups ’ are made throughout the day , so that the tills do not become overloaded with money — and possibly a security hazard .
12 Many electric fires were thus used as intermittent bedroom heating at night , or to heat the main room on cooler spring or autumn evenings when the coal fire had not been needed during the day .
13 Richborough Castle had been closed for the day by the Department of the Environment .
14 This is specifically so in the case of the findings of the Reporter in his Report on the SEELPI Inquiry , which the Reporter in her decision on the Linlithgow appeal referred to , adopted in respect of the Linlithgow land supply only , and that solely on the basis that the interpretation had not been challenged on the day .
15 It was hoped that over £100,000 would have been raised through the day 's efforts .
16 The system offers customers savings in staff time , easier reconciliation , and greater accuracy as both vouchers and a detailed accounting sheet are provided on the day of credit for collection at a nominated Midland branch .
17 They are introduced to the day centre and attend regular training sessions organised by the project and other outside agencies .
18 Robert Jones may have been overshadowed on the day by Morris , but he has a lovely service and covers with tireless courage .
19 Clarence , by some curious quirk of fate that again linked the Mowbrays with the royal family , had been arrested on the day following Anne 's wedding and subsequently judicially executed .
20 ‘ It will never be healed until the day the mystery is finally solved once and for all . ’
21 The effective date of unemployment should therefore be regarded as the day the insured customer first registers as unemployed with the DOE/DHSS .
22 I would have been satisfied in any event that all interested parties must have anticipated that the operation of a commercial port would not be limited to the day time , but would carry on throughout the 24 hours of every day .
23 There is evidence that it became the practice for individuals to be named after the day on which they were born and that couples were not allowed to marry if their birthdays had the same numeral .
24 All these canapés should be prepared on the day of the party .
25 Telexes can be prepared during the day and sent out of office hours to benefit from cheaper call rates .
26 After evening prayers , a fair copy should be made of the day 's composition …
27 Draw up a timetable — some recipes can be cooked and frozen weeks in advance while others can be prepared a day beforehand ; some dishes can only be made on the day .
28 9.15.3 any notice or document shall also be sufficiently served if sent by telex [ telephonic facsimile transmission or any other means of electronic transmission ] to the party to be served ( or its solicitors where 9.15.2 applies ) and that service shall be deemed to be made on the day of transmission if transmitted before 4 pm on a Working Day but otherwise on the next following Working Day ( as defined above ) and in this clause " party " includes the Guarantor These provisions are designed to introduce certainty to the service of notices and documents and , unless a particular tenant takes exception to any aspect , they do not seem unreasonable .
29 A charge of £3.50 will be made for the day .
30 A charge of £3.50 will be made for the day .
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