Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 The Defence Ministry announced on July 16 that 71 members of the armed forces had been dismissed in the last year for human rights abuses and drug trafficking .
2 The price factors are calculated for the first day of the delivery month , and adjustments have to be made for accrued interest where the first day of the delivery month does not coincide with a coupon payment date .
3 In our example , x 29 , x 59 and x 97 are basic and so nodes 2 , 5 and 7 are assigned to the second generation and P(2) = P(5) = P(7) = 9 .
4 x 29 , x 41 , x 59 , x 87 and x 97 , then nodes 4 and 9 are assigned to the first generation and P(4) = P(9) = 1 .
5 In general , for a node i of the rth generation , we assign any node j ( ) not assigned to generations 1 , … , r , for which or is basic , to generation r + 1 and set P(j) = i This means that all the remaining nodes in our example are assigned to the third generation and P(3) = P(6) = 2 , P(8) = 7 .
6 Up to one million purchases are estimated to have been delayed during the last three years because of the sluggish market .
7 It is to be recommended that full reasons are given to the third party solicitor .
8 Further details concerning their important role are given in the next chapter .
9 ( Details of relocation allowances are given in the next chapter . )
10 On Oct. 26 , 1989 , the House of Representatives fulfilled a commitment made in 1988 [ see p. 37081 ] when they voted that $20,000 should be paid to each of 62,000 Japanese-Americans who had been interned during the Second World War .
11 He had been posted to the 11th Field Regiment , Royal Artillery , which was newly arrived in Egypt from Iraq , and was immediately sent to the front .
12 The couple will begin their married life in Cyprus , where Paul , whose home is in Liverpool , has been posted for the next 18 months .
13 Databases remain the number one concern for the second year running , whilst Unix standards are listed as the 8th most important issue , compared with their showing at 19th position last year .
14 2.1.2 " Building documents " means the plans drawings specifications and other documents relating to the Works which are listed in the third Schedule The tenant should have sight of these as soon as possible to ensure that they are in accordance with its understanding of what has been agreed .
15 The commitments are listed in the next chapter , but they need to be put in the context of their presentation and the way the law and order issue was handled during the election campaign .
16 Viral hepatitis has been recognized since the Second World War as being divisible into two distinct types .
17 The process of post-mortem decomposition has been traced through the ninth century .
18 At a time when the easy option for a band like Moose would be to step up the distortion , rip off a few riffs and steam into the easy-money heaven where rock pigs run wild , they 've flipped away on a heady , affecting tangent that 's been traced in the last five or ten years by The Weather Prophets and Lloyd Cole , but rarely in that time with such grace and preconception-shattering nerve .
19 AT A time when the easy option for a band like Moose would be to step up the distortion , rip off a few riffs and steam into the easy-money heaven where rock pigs run wild , they 've flipped away on a heady , affecting tangent that 's been traced in the last five or ten years by The Weather Prophets and Lloyd Cole , but rarely with such grace .
20 Popular consciousness of PR had been limited until the last week of the campaign , underlining the argument that , while constitutional reform is popular among the chattering classes , it is not popular among the mass of voters .
21 It is true that certain measures of nationalisation had been undertaken in the first months of Soviet government — for example , the Merchant Marine had been taken over in January 1918 and the sugar industry nationalised in May of that year — but the main efforts had been directed towards a stabilisation and regularisation of the tottering economy on the existing basis of ownership .
22 Despite a good number of studies having been undertaken in the first half of the century it was not until the late 1950s that the particular decrements in performance of sleepy subjects were established .
23 Ehrlichman and Weinberger criticise the emphasis that has been placed on the first eye movements occurring after a question has been asked and the consequent ignoring of movements which occur prior to or during presentation of a particular item .
24 Only once in the last ten years , in 1983 , have we been placed in the first three .
25 More controversial shots of a spoof wedding ceremony and a lesbian couple kissing , both featuring bare breasts , have been placed in the second of two rooms housing the exhibition .
26 The way the work-force has been treated over the last few years , the uncertainty that 's been created and the lack of consultation , the impact on their lives of such a closure on people who have been expecting to be there until they retire — their jobs may well go , and the impact on that , both for their own lives as well as their families .
27 A decent man doing a difficult job with players who are light years away from being the world 's best , he has been treated for the last week like a cross between a child molester and a Nazi war criminal .
28 It was almost 2215 , and 300 cases had been treated on the first day .
29 The twenty-five dealers specialising in drawings and paintings are joined for the first time by Colnaghi who opened a small Paris branch in May and are keeping their exhibits a closely guarded secret .
30 The problem with many of our politicians is that they are biased towards the second .
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