Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [to-vb] been [art] " in BNC.

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1 About this time , however , he married as his second wife Joanna Bridges , who has been alleged to have been an illegitimate daughter of Charles I ; and he was able to live on her property in Wales .
2 Mr Greene claimed that in Britain campaigns aimed at the population as a whole had been shown to have been a waste of money and there had been a change of policy to target the high-risk groups such as homosexuals and intravenous drug users .
3 This rich group of textiles were made by the Banjara gypsies of India , whose predecessors are thought to have been the world 's original gypsy stock .
4 The first probably had long snouts and are thought to have been the ancestors of the lemurs , now only found in Madagascar , and of the lorises that today live in the forests of the Far East .
5 Before the French Revolution Burke had supported the popular cause against undue monarchical power ; in fact , he had even been rumoured to have been the author of Junius 's letters .
6 The great reason for the Church of England 's perishing , if it does , will be seen to have been a lack of such a vision .
7 Even the most innovatory feature of the Declaration — the proviso against keeping a standing army in peace-time without Parliamentary consent — can be seen to have been a Tory concern in James 's reign .
8 Furthermore , the South East can be seen to have been the only region with a figure above the national average — all other regions were below the average ( see also Figure 9.3 ) .
9 Tim Renton could be said to have been the first to grasp this nettle .
10 There is some support for the proposition that such a loan , if made to a person fully capable of repaying the same and , for instance , charged against property in the United Kingdom , gives the taxpayer minimal benefit from the case of O " Leary v McKinlay [ 1991 ] STC 42 where Vinelott J at p51 , dealing with a Schedule E beneficial loan , stated the following : If an employer lends money to an employee free of interest or at a favourable rate of interest and if the employee is free to exploit the money in any manner he chooses his employment can not be said to have been the source of the income derived from the exploitation ; the employer is the source of the money and the taxpayer is assessable to tax under Sch E on the benefit to him of obtaining the loan on the terms on which the loan was made ; but if the loan is repayable on demand that benefit can not be quantified and form the basis of an assessment under Sch E. It is arguable if property is held by a non-resident trust for A for life and B absolutely that if the trustees lend money to A at interest then if A allows the trustees not to pursue him in his capacity as borrower for the interest that no benefit will arise .
11 All in all it could be said to have been an amicable evening .
12 This is not to belittle the exploits of Hadlee , Phillip or can der Bijl , who were essential parts of their sides ' successes , but none of whom can be said to have been an out-and-out pace man .
13 Donationes mortis causa may be said to have been an anomaly in our law , both for their immunity to the Statute of Frauds 1677 and the Wills Act 1837 and as exceptions to the rule that equity will not perfect an imperfect gift .
14 In winter , when the level in the canal would tend to be some three inches higher , then some water did splash over the sides of the tanks , but never at any time was the water emptied from the tanks to enable hauling to proceed.9 ; On this basis alone the lift must be judged to have been a technical success .
15 If the circumstances of this crime — that is the eating of the apple — are duly considered , it will be acknowledged to have been a most heinous offence and a transgression of the whole law .
16 Otherwise it will be presumed to have been a negligent one — Misrepresentation Act 1967 , section 2(1) .
17 It is reasonable , however , for Thompson to ask why such a degree of compartmentalisation of objectives should be presumed to have been the case in 1812 , when war had been largely continuous over twenty years , when trade unions were under the interdict of the Combination Acts , when the hand-loom weavers and knitters were suffering a catastrophic drop in earnings and when high food prices were producing widespread and severe hunger .
18 Subject to that , an expert is not prohibited from following these litigation-style procedures , but he would be unwise to do so because the reference may subsequently be held to have been an arbitration and will in any event take longer and be more costly .
19 Detectives named two men sought in connection with Clapham as Patrick Sheehy and John Conaghty , who are believed to have been the core of a cell of about five or six .
20 Over a thousand butterflies which died suddenly at a special reserve in Fraddam , Cornwall , are believed to have been the victims of wind-borne pesticide drift …
21 This has generally been assumed to have been the result of competition from the adaptively superior North American mammals , but Marshall ( 1981 ) has recently argued that at least some of the extinction was caused by changes in the physical environment .
22 His novels were praised by the first Earl of Balfour , and were said to have been the favourite reading of Queen Alexandra .
23 Subsequently he is reported to have been a pupil of his cousin George Wilfred Anthony , a drawing master in Manchester , later a landscape painter and art critic ( as ‘ Gabriel Tinto ’ ) for the Manchester Guardian .
24 The blood pressure stability is said to have been no different between the two groups .
25 The environment is said to have been a lagoon , and the ‘ shrimp band ’ is thought to represent an episode of sudden flooding by the sea .
26 Its church ( 1457 ) was dedicated to Santa Catarina by Henrique Alemão — ‘ Henry the German ’ — who is said to have been a Polish king .
27 One of the most beautiful water-spirits known , Lorelei is said to have been a German girl who was unlucky in love and drowned herself as a result .
28 Marie is said to have been a frequent visitor to her mother 's court at Poitiers and to have brought with her the greatest poet in France , Chrétien de Troyes .
29 Like its predecessor , Fonthill Abbey is said to have been a symmetrical building in Gothic disguise , while Vathek provides even less domestic detail than Otranto — the adjective , indeed , scarcely applies .
30 ( 4 ) The third defendant concealed from the plaintiffs what is said to have been a false and fraudulent over-valuation of the bakery made in June 1983 by another of the alleged conspirators in order to support an even higher level of loan by B.M.T. ( 5 ) On 24 June 1983 B.M.T. offered to lend C.M.C. £420,000 on the security of the bakery in substitution for its previous offer to lend £185,500 .
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