Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [conj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Preamble to the new recommendations acknowledged the changes : " Some important gaps in knowledge have been filled and new issues have emerged to challenge the international community .
2 Learn to adjust your priorities as earlier assignments are completed and new ones taken on .
3 On the other hand , it has been recognized that such concessions can , if applied fairly and without discrimination , aid the efficient administration of the tax system .
4 It has long been recognized that five factors control the nature of soil development : climate , parent material , topoy , organic activity and time .
5 Its success has been limited because some children will work on projects which interest them but which do not tax them sufficiently .
6 The effects of this pressure have emerged in at least one Modular Course evaluation study ( see Table 6.2 , Modular Course Management Structures ) , and a determined attempt has been made to configure the management system in such a way that Field Chairs participate in all Course development decisions , so that special needs are recognized and special difficulties can not be easily ignored .
7 What action would you take to ensure all records are amended and all departments are notified ?
8 For convenience company accounts are examined but similar considerations would apply to other business entities .
9 Nursing students are at risk of enforced reduction in their clinical contact and theoretical integration unless roles are examined and restorative measures taken to redress any imbalances found .
10 The many interesting and sometimes elaborate forms of instinctive behaviour shown by insects have often been described and some have also been explained as simple taxes and kineses or interpreted in more complex ethological terms ( Tinbergen , 1951 ; Baerends , 1959 ; Fraenkel and Gunn , 19612 ; Thorpe , 1963 ; Haskell , 1966 ; Evans , 1966 ; von Frisch , 1967 ; Sudd , 1967 ; Ewing and Manning , 1967 ; Manning , 1972 ) .
11 The sustainable yield from the fishery by these methods , which have little effect on other fish species , and no significant effect on dolphins , turtles , or sea birds , has been calculated as 45,000 tonnes per year — 35,000 tonnes of adult fish taken by longlines , and 10,000 juveniles , taken by trolling .
12 During the Inverness conference , the party 's neo-nationalist element had been marginalised and cross-party discussions on joint anti-Government campaigning put in cold storage .
13 The distance has been given as 4500 light-years , but may be as much as 7000 , in which case it must be more than a million times as luminous as the Sun .
14 In every one of the cases to which your Lordships have been referred where such dicta appear , the source from which the evidence sought to be excluded had been obtained has been the defendant himself or ( in some of the search cases ) premises occupied by him ; and the dicta can be traced to a common ancestor in Lord Goddard 's statement in Kuruma v. The Queen [ 1955 ] A.C. 197 which I have already cited .
15 A few days before discharge is expected , any services required are arranged and any drugs , dressings and appliances ( e.g. Mr Reynolds ' stoma equipment ) are ordered .
16 Once such a formulation is proposed then it can of course be applied to other phenomena ( other than those originally used ) and these are explained as additional instances of the abstractions that have been established .
17 Every day bank deposits are withdrawn and fresh deposits made so that at the end of each day liquidity for each bank will be different from that at the beginning .
18 Seif dunes are formed when strong winds blow from a quarter other than that from which the prevalent winds , responsible for the general sand drift , arrive .
19 An example of this type of program is DEWDROP2 which allows pupils to examine how clouds are formed and different levels in temperature and height of clouds can be input by the teacher or pupils .
20 Some environmentalists prefer preservation-by-exclusion , so that visitors are rationed because some areas are made deliberately inaccessible ( particularly ‘ wilderness ’ areas ) or a toll or entrance fee is imposed , or even , as a last resort ( as in the case of most nature reserves ) , access is made dependent upon the membership of an amenity society and/or the possession of a permit .
21 Of these , 3,434 had been designated as genuine refugees , 22,466 had failed the screening process and had been designated as " economic migrants " and the remaining 29,562 awaited screening .
22 In brief we are offered a world where bureaucrats ( and ministers ) are redefined as accountable managers , public sector operations sub-divided into businesses , and the public seen as the customer .
23 The towns are designated as Muslim areas in the peace package put forward by the international mediators Cyrus Vance and Lord Owen .
24 If they are lax they are realised as short vowels , if tense as diphthongs ( this category including what I have been calling long vowels ) .
25 Most artefacts are either the product of mass production , in which case they are identical to all others items produced by the same process , or else are intended as equal copies of a normative cultural notion , in which case , for example , all spears of the same type are intended to look alike .
26 The criteria for diagnosing a urinary tract infection on a midstream urine specimen in both symptomatic and asymptomatic patients have been revised and new recommendations published .
27 Sacred to the Aboriginals of the Kimberleys , the images are revered as awesome beings who in primeval times wandered around the landscape , instructing the indigenous people in the use of weapons and tools and initiating tribal laws , rites and customs , and after completing their task they disappeared into the heavens or into the ground .
28 So far much hampered by lack of money and staff about 1.5 million catalogue entries have been completed and 2,665,000 photographs produced .
29 We have now reached the stage where the planning and programming stages have been completed and four locations have been successfully implemented .
30 Many miles of film have been exposed and several forests felled to supply the paper to print the wit and wisdom of Hannah Hauxwell .
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