Example sentences of "[be] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 Thousands of pages have been filled with theories on how to rear your offspring .
2 By the time bloodshed had been stopped in Dushanbe on Feb. 15 , by the 5,000 Interior Ministry troops in the city assisted by " citizens ' self-defence groups " , official casualty figures spoke of 22 people killed and 565 people injured .
3 It therefore follows that technical personnel are assigned to divisions on the basis of discipline , and for the purpose of accountability , control and maintenance of professional standards .
4 Also , since some children in care are placed at home on trial , this explanation is blatantly false .
5 These included the authors of the ‘ Li Yi Zhe ’ document , a 20,000 character dazibao which had been posted in Guangzhou on 10 November 1984 , some four years before ‘ Democracy Wall ’ .
6 Considering that so many gliders are flown across country on every possible soaring day , the accident rate for gliding is extremely low .
7 Aldicarb , a pesticide used to control mites and nematodes that damage crops , has been withdrawn for use on bananas .
8 While little detailed work has been undertaken to date on the nature of these population movements , preliminary research carried out by the investigator in Costa Rica in 1987 with support from the Nuffield Foundation suggests that migration patterns have been strongly differentiated along lines of gender : whereas men have tended to migrate out of Guanacastle , at least on a temporary basis , many women appear to have moved permanently to towns within the region itself .
9 Should the winner strike lucky Faber will not be dramatically out of pocket : a covering bet has been placed with Ladbrokes on the likelihood of the winning book being chosen .
10 This faculty gives equal consideration to all applications received , irrespective of whether an asterisk has been placed against Edinburgh on the UCAS form .
11 Wang , aged 72 , had been placed in detention on Sept. 8 , 1989 , as part of the nationwide security crackdown in the aftermath of the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre .
12 Not surprisingly turquoise has frequently been excavated at sites on the Iranian plateau , notably at Hissar and Yahya .
13 The pupils are insulted by weakness on the part of those in authority who they expect to be strong and this weakness , once established , provokes more playing up :
14 However , the Board has been criticized for over-concentration on economic development at the expense of social development ( Carter 1974 ) .
15 Kuhn 's demarcation criterion has been criticized by Popper on the grounds that it gives undue emphasis to the role of criticism in science ; by Lakatos because , among other things , it misses the importance of competition between research programmes ( or paradigms ) ; and by Feyerabend on the grounds that Kuhn 's distinction leads to the conclusion that organized crime and Oxford philosophy qualify as science .
16 The custom of cleaning the close had been explained to Madge on the day she moved in by a small woman carrying a metal pail and a large card .
17 A ‘ Come and Try It ’ /pre-training day has been arranged in Cambridge on 8 April 1990 and venues in two other areas are being negotiated .
18 Instrumentation development A remotely operated horizontal shear-wave source has been developed for use on the sea bed .
19 Thus , tests for organisms such as E coli and Shigella have been developed for use on drinking water supplies .
20 A third view of the revolution has been developed by writers on the far Left of the political spectrum .
21 It was later , in my wartime hospital that I first realised that the Second Commandment had not been given to Moses on Mount Sinai but to an Irish priest upon the Mountains of Mourne .
22 To gain a wider appreciation of customer opinion of the trolley service , appraisal cards have been given to passengers on selected routes for their constructive criticism , and overall the comments are good .
23 A total of 38 rebels were reported to have been extradited to Vietnam on Jan. 14 , 1990 , and were given prison sentences ranging from six to 15 years .
24 Denktash had been rebuked by Boutros-Ghali on Nov. 6 for being " in total opposition to all UN resolutions , to the society of nations and to the Security Council " , refusing to accept the return of refugees , insisting on two separate states and separate sovereignty , rejecting the proposed map and refusing to hand over Varosh , the Greek suburb of Famagusta , to UN administration .
25 Twenty three year old John Kitchin had just been remanded in custody on a burglary charge .
26 Twenty three year old John Kitchin had just been remanded in custody on a burglary charge .
27 A MAN from the market area of Belfast has been remanded in custody on three separate charges of hijacking taxis .
28 An organization called Ilinden had been formed in Sofia on Nov. 14 , 1989 , to campaign for the rights of the Macedonian minority in Bulgaria .
29 They are intended for use on top of a work bench and are often used by the artist when in a sitting position .
30 They are intended for use on top of a work bench and are often used by the artist when in a sitting position .
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