Example sentences of "[be] [adv] [noun] [prep] state " in BNC.

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1 Under the terms of a 1984 constitutional amendment , the chairman of the PCT central committee is also head of state , these offices being held currently by Gen. Denis Sassou-Nguesso , who assumed power in 1979 .
2 The chairman of the party , currently José Eduardo dos Santos , is also head of state .
3 The chairman of the PCT central committee is also head of state and has executive powers .
4 The party chairman is also head of state .
5 Under the 1980 Constitution as amended in November 1987 the executive President , who holds office for a six-year term and is eligible for re-election , is both head of state and head of government .
6 The President is both head of state and head of government and appoints a Cabinet .
7 The president is both head of state and head of government and in that capacity serves to some extent as a symbol of the nation , a focus for loyalty and Americans have a curious capacity for er im imputing to whoever wins the presidential election a set of er outstanding qualities .
8 Another non-elected member of the Cabinet , Carl Clarke , was hitherto Minister of State for Finance and Foreign Affairs .
9 Despite this level of support , and a direct request from James Baker when he was still secretary of state , Mr Karimov has refused to register Birlik as a political party .
10 A 15-member Revolutionary Command Council for National Salvation ( RCC ) , whose chairman was both head of state and Prime Minister , held power after a June 1989 military coup [ see p. 36728 ; 36805-06 ] , after which the Constitution was suspended and the National Assembly and all political institutions were dissolved .
11 Under the current system the President was both head of state and head of government .
12 Prior to this , the post-independence period was dominated by the ( Marxist-Leninist ) Front for the Liberation of Mozambique ( Frelimo ) whose president was also head of state .
13 In 1715 , for example , when the collectorship of Stirlingshire was being made an issue by interests unfriendly to the Administration , the friends of the Duke of Montrose , who was then Secretary of State , arranged for John Stirling , a brother of the Laird of Herbertshire , to become collector jointly with the previous holder of the office , Gabriel Napier of Craigannet .
14 Despite this obstacle , Sturt was determined to press ahead with the expedition , and on 19 May he appealed to Gould to exert any pressure he could on Lord Derby to encourage his son , Lord Stanley — who was then Secretary of State for the Colonies — to back the proposal .
15 Which prime minister was previously secretary of state for administrative affairs ?
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