Example sentences of "[be] [adj] say that some " in BNC.

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1 I am sorry to say that some of them are dead now , and others have left the dale to live in Barnard Castle with their own families .
2 I am sad to say that some Conservative Members and one or two of my hon. Friends seem to have a little Englander mentality .
3 Only a very small number of authorities were unable to say that some money was being directly spent on training or were unable to indicate a person or people at least nominally responsible for training ( see Chapter 3 for discussion of resources available for training ) .
4 Half the patients who require heart surgery are dealt with immediately , but the hon. Gentleman is right to say that some patients have to wait .
5 Having said that , it is possible to plant some in groups , and it is true to say that some thrive in soil which would normally be considered unsatisfactory .
6 Holiday schemes , in other words , during the Christmas , er , particularly the summer holidays was extremely full in our areas that had these schemes , but it is true to say that some of the children did not pay their full amount .
7 And while it 's true to say that some cross-dressers are gay , not all gays , by any means , are transvestites .
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