Example sentences of "[be] [adj] in [adv] every " in BNC.

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1 Mr George Ryde , TGWU national secretary for civil aviation , said : ‘ Our members are involved in almost every aspect of airport work , and they tell a different story to the public relations myth that nothing is spared in providing passengers with maximum security .
2 Pictures of cats made out of synthetic material and stuck on to plastic plates are available in virtually every store .
3 The ingredients for HNV baits are available in almost every tackle shop , as are recipes to produce balanced mixes .
4 They are available in almost every colour imaginable and often have metallic or iridescent scales .
5 By the 1960s , wild breeding colonies were present in almost every area where ranches had been established .
6 They were transitional in almost every respect including that of audience composition .
7 The hon. Gentleman is wrong in almost every particular .
8 The Formalist principle whereby ‘ the forms of art are explainable by the laws of art ; they are not justified by their realism ’ ( Shklovsky 1965b : 57 ) is manifest in almost every aspect of Sterne 's novel and does not have to be inferred from it by analysis ( as perhaps it does in Gogol 's Overcoat ) .
9 Auntie is ordinary in nearly every way , but she had one very special quality .
10 Hydroflow , though , has become all-pervasive and is present in almost every trainer in the range .
11 Questionnaires , interviews , etc. should be planned with extreme care ( a pilot survey is indispensable in almost every circumstance ) , and must be completed by , administered to , etc. a large enough proportion of the total of users to render the results statistically valid .
12 Ideally an out-of-school visit of some kind is desirable in nearly every history study .
13 1727 ) , he was involved in virtually every significant building project in the university .
14 By 1876 applicants for the German civil service had to pass a special exam in German culture , and German was compulsory in virtually every aspect of public life .
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