Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [to-vb] them [art] " in BNC.

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1 pluggers exist to exploit the middle ground of those record releases which may be a hit , depending on whether radio producers and presenters are prepared to give them a ‘ run ’ .
2 We 're able to give them the care they need .
3 We are able to give them the independence they so badly need , and with it self respect and dignity .
4 Even in her semi-conscious state she had been able to give them the phone number of her sister Margaret in Australia .
5 They say they 're having to deal with more and more dogs owned by families who have n't been able to give them the exercise they need .
6 Would it not be possible to give them an annual grant to spend on projects they approve ?
7 The band has already shown it can knock out pop tunes a cover of Nancy Sinatra 's Kinky Love , for instance but the audience had to be prepared to indulge them a little .
8 He indicated that , without specific application to children 's hearings , the nature of the children 's hearings system ‘ leaves [ it ] outside the benefit of this Bill ’ , and he added : ‘ It would be wrong to deny them the benefit of the Bill when , if they had committed serious offences and appeared before the courts , they would have had its protection . ’
9 I would n't have expected it from my players and I 'm supposed to set them an example .
10 Cos Jim 'll be at work , he wo n't be able to give them a lift in the car .
11 Roses need looking after , and it is no good at all planting a collection , or any number of them , if you are not going to be able to give them the time and attention they need .
12 Unfortunately , he never seemed to be able to give them an explanation of what this Holy Spirit was supposed to be .
13 Now you do n't have to rely on this , because you can ring through to head office in the evening , or you can ring through your branch while that 's open , and get a computer quote over the phone , but actually find it quite useful if somebody asks me to be able to give them an idea of how much it 's going to cost them .
14 Economic growth in the open world market economy has been so great that few governments are now in strong enough control over their civil societies to be able to deny them the chance to participate in this wealth-creating system .
15 But perhaps I shall be able to show them the best places for picnics and things like that . ’
16 We 'll be able to tell them the date though wo n't we ?
17 I hope it will be possible for all questionnaires to be returned by 30th September 1985 at the latest , but if in practice this is likely to cause problems , I shall of course be happy to receive them a little later .
18 Now that we have a permanent place to meet we would like to start up a library as some folks can not afford to buy reading material so if you have any books that you have finished with or which are duplicates and would like to make room for new editions we will be happy to give them a good home where they will be used and appreciated .
19 Any member of the council who wishes to inspect our land is welcome to do so and we would be happy to show them the improvements we have made and are continuing to make .
20 There is a newly formed Prutz Kayak Club whose members would welcome visiting canoeists and be pleased to show them the local sites .
21 On the other hand , if the directors hold a controlling interest it may be necessary to pay them a premium for their shareholdings and ( because of the requirement of equality of treatment under the Code ) for the shareholdings of the minority shareholders ;
22 Again , the Germans did better , 22% being prepared to trust them a great deal .
23 Our endorsement of Tory macro-economic policy , and acceptance that it should aim for no more than monetary stability , meant we were unable to offer them a convincing route to full employment or economic recovery .
24 For many years serious and respectable citizens had worried about the new masses but now at least entrepreneurs and businessmen were able to offer them every service , every distraction , and every entertainment that their wages allowed .
25 The hand-outs were vital to get them a bite , to help them survive in their pitiful plight .
26 Although I believe they are improved as a class , many of them are rough diamonds ; at times they are light-fingered , they are not invariably sober , their education leaves much to be desired and it is impossible to allow them the run of the works after closing hours .
27 It is unprepared to offer them the skilled attention that they need .
28 But each member of the Chapter has a set and Wheeler is supposed to check them every now and again .
29 Children need to feel safe and secure about the world they grow up in , and it is unwise to give them the idea that everything they eat or come into contact with is a potential threat .
30 Children actually like to acquire skills , and they learn them faster when they are young , so it is tempting to offer them the chance , and rewarding to watch them blossom .
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