Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [adv] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 When will the Government realise that enlargement will not be acceptable just as a slogan for the Tory re-election campaign , but that it means saying now , and clearly , that the EFTA countries are needed in the Community and that early membership for central and eastern European countries , according to realisable targets , should be a priority to which we are committed ?
2 It was agreed that the key strategy for the next 18 months — two years was to produce a network of interested people who would be valuable both as a resource and as a means of disseminating ideas and information .
3 Radiotherapy has no proved value in the treatment of gastric cancer and while there have been numerous trials of various chemotherapy regimens , none have proved to be valuable either as an adjuvant treatment or for advanced disease .
4 They can be valuable purely as a means of providing social companionship , activities of all descriptions , and intellectual stimulation .
5 They wanted Benjamin to be fuzzy enough as a fantasy figure so that everyone in America could identify with him without joining the Movement .
6 We 've always in the West used the term Russian nationalist as one of abuse , er and that it seems to me as , because it 's always in the past been associated with empire , Russian nationalists in practice have oppressed other people , but after all why should the Russians not be patriotic just as the British as er a citizen or a Frenchman can be patriotic , er provided that that does n't go with oppressing other people .
7 The time and effort demanded of them may put a strain on their relationship with a partner , who may have been looking forward to the years when they could be alone again as a couple .
8 At first I had suggested that I should keep her company but she dismissed the idea at once : ‘ I am not a child , and I refuse to be treated as one ’ , and I guessed she wanted to be alone rather as a young girl might who sets out to post an imaginary letter , hoping to meet on the way the person for whom she has made herself beautiful .
9 All schools could identify additional resources , ( for instance , computers , a music laboratory , enhanced INSET , staff ) that had been purchased and which were perceived to be available entirely as a result of devolution .
10 It is not easy to be precise here as a gentle curtain is drawn .
11 The degree to which the ESSE/L Project can be seen to be radical either as an initiative , or in its actual impact in schools , depends on how close it comes to one or other of these doctrines .
12 Until very recently MRD 's have been available only as a typesetting tape of a printed dictionary ( Meijs , 1992 ) .
13 Charges are recoverable summarily as a civil debt ( s29(5) ) .
14 My comments on his work were valuable only as an irritating pretext which permitted him to lecture me on Art .
15 The manners which Topaz had been taught at the convent were good enough as a basis for acceptable behaviour , but she soon discovered that she had a great deal more to learn , and would also have to adopt a whole new set of values .
16 However , official teaching has gone the other way , becoming increasingly restrictive in its emphasis on the grounds that the sharing of communion is acceptable only as an expression , and not as a cause of unity .
17 Fetal material is transplantable either as an organ or as a cellular suspension .
18 ( A suggestion made by Alasdair MacIntyre that emotivism is promising only as an account of the use of ethical words in a society lacking shared values could not reasonably be extended to the attitudinism I have described . )
19 Christopher Plummer is great too as a hammy , Shakespeare-spouting Klingon warlord .
20 The authors introduce a methodology for describing a whole tax system that is useful here as a summary device .
21 IRONY is useful enough as a writing device .
22 The comparison , of course , is useful only as an invitation to further assessment .
23 The successful dentine bonding agents have one thing in common : they are more like welds than the simple bonds between two substrates in which the adhesive is present only as an almost monomolecular layer .
24 The visible link with the past that old buildings give is important both as a fascinating insight into history and as an expression of the relative permanence of civilized society .
25 The applications programming interface is available now as a Software Developers Kit at $200 , and Novell DOS 7 will include several Protected Mode Services client components including disk cache and compression drivers , a peer-to-peer server , and CD-ROM extensions .
26 The potential readership of this book is huge and it is , therefore , a pity that it is available only as a hardback .
27 When provision is made under further education , it is available only as a group activity , often with a minimum number of participants , always for a set period of time , which may be as long as two hours .
28 The three-litre is available only as an automatic , the two-litre also as a five-speed manual .
29 It also makes the point that our sexuality is squeezed arbitrarily into narrow forms , forcing us to suppress many elements of ourselves at great Shobana Jeyasingh is impressive both as a performer .
30 For our purposes , it is sufficient to note that the doctrine of fundamental breach , as a rule of law , has finally been laid to rest by Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd [ 1980 ] AC 827 , and it would now appear that fundamental breach is relevant only as a factor to be considered in the construction of the contract .
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