Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [conj] only a " in BNC.

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1 The following four German folktales relating to this theme , as collected by the Grimm brothers in the nineteenth century , are typical but only a fraction of the many variants known .
2 The reasons why the lower socio-economic groups make less use of the education and health services are complex and only a brief comment can be presented here .
3 The irony is only compounded by the fact that in retrospect those trade figures turned out to be misleading and only a statistical ‘ blip ’ .
4 Benefits were low because only a minute proportion of copulations result in a reared cub in the next generation ( Journal of Zoology , vol 177 , p 463 ) .
5 Many were convinced that only a proletarian revolution could remove discrimination .
6 Given that £1 million was spent in 1990 under the WOAD Farm and Conservation Scheme for the provision , replacement or improvement of hedges ( 80% of this on hedge-laying ) , we are disappointed that only a further £0.2 million is to be made available during 1992 under CCW 's new scheme .
7 Modern harbourside developments are increasingly popular.At Admiral 's Quay in Falmouth , part of the old waterfront , six flats and four houses in Phase I are new and only a minute 's walk from the town .
8 It is possible that only a very marked and rapid reduction in interest rates , which might cause a substantial shift in confidence , would be effective .
9 It is interesting that only a few years ago Mr Albert Baker of Baker Bros. , Upper Halling , paid the Vicar part of the cost of wood he had cut in Halling woods .
10 The second method is appropriate when only a small number of arithmetic operations are to be performed on each of a large number of initial items of data .
11 It is false that only a person in authority is an authority .
12 First-hand experience is invaluable but only a limited amount of it can be arranged and you certainly ca n't have large numbers of trainees sitting at the back of the same class .
13 Dig the soil to the depth of a spade or fork , and clear out the rubbish as you go large stones , glass , china , bottle tops , sticks , wire , plastic and so on — at the same time mixing in a thin layer of rotted garden compost , especially if the soil is shallow and only a few cm ( in ) deep on top of chalk subsoil .
14 ‘ It is scandalous that only a tiny fraction of cars in the UK have catalysts fitted .
15 When the temperature of crystallization is close to the melting temperature , nucleation is sporadic and only a few large spherulites will grow .
16 It is plain that only a small community closely knit by ties of kinship , common sentiment , and belief , and placed in a stable environment , could live successfully by such a regime of unofficial rules .
17 By 1896 La Chapelle was receiving more than a million tonnes , but by now the bulk of it was French and only a small proportion Belgian , testimony to the industrialization that had taken place in the wake of the railways .
18 From March 1918 it was clear that only a crushing military victory by one or other side would bring ‘ peace ’ .
19 The plenum , in the event , made little influence upon the continuing discussion , and by the early 1990s it was clear that only a reconsideration of the very bases of Soviet statehood would be likely to satisfy the aspirations of the various republics and nationalities .
20 The kind of boat fishing at sea that I 've always done has had quite a few fathoms below the boat , but here the water was clear and only a few feet deep , we were certainly less than one hundred yards offshore .
21 The competition was fierce and only a few could obtain the valuable passports , visas and tickets to leave the confines of China .
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