Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [verb] [prep] some " in BNC.

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1 We are therefore looking to YOU — Perhaps you are prepared to help in some way ? ? ?
2 ‘ The cells are luxurious compared to some of the things we put up with in the Army , ’ said one staff member during a Press tour of the jail .
3 If the policy makers are willing to learn from some of the mistakes made in industry , where hasty changes were made which led to a dramatic brain drain subsequently , the unpalatable adjustments that will need to be made in London should create less harm than will otherwise be the case .
4 While every effort has been made to express the ideas in everyday language , it has been impossible to dispense with some scientific terms .
5 Unfortunately , in the time period available , there was considerable shortfall due either to delays in the courts or the file having been impossible to trace for some reason .
6 Er you 're entitled to go through some sort of training programme
7 With some 15,500 outlets for their business , solicitors are likely to remain for some time the principal providers of legal services even if there is considerable expansion of alternatives to the use of solicitors for some legal work ( The Law Society , 1990 ) .
8 Exports of natural gas to the US by pipeline and LNG exports particularly to Japan , are likely to increase to some 30 MTOE by the year 2000 , and even higher levels of export , particularly to the US , are quite possible .
9 ‘ You are welcome to look into some of the other rooms if you wish .
10 He has also continued to write , producing one work of fiction , Haroun and the Sea of Stories , and a collection of essays and other pieces , Imaginary Homelands , which Michael Foot argued are fit to stand alongside some of the very best work in defence of the artist 's right to free expression .
11 ‘ I asked if you also were to be told but mama said nay — you are younger than myself , she said , and are unlikely to wed for some time .
12 The matter may be looked at retrospectively ( ie where the partner has been unable to work for some defined period or periods ) or prospectively ( where it has become apparent that the partner 's health has failed and will not improve ) .
13 From a knowledge of what edges and surfaces are present , and how they are oriented relative to the eye , we are able to deduce with some confidence what three-dimensional objects are present .
14 Both these parties would also abolish the assisted places scheme by which children of poorer parents are able to benefit from some of the best schools in the country , and will hand City Technology Colleges over to local authorities .
15 He , like many of his critics and followers , failed to see that the claims for a new scientific conceptualization rest not only on the ‘ facts ’ they are concerned to put into some kind of order , but also on the capacity of the new theoretical framework to bring out connections between what , until the new framework is used , appear as unconnected bits and pieces of information .
16 The American archives suggest that even in 1954 the British would have been somewhat reassured had they been able to eavesdrop on some of the discussions which were taking place in Washington .
17 So that although these are er fairly different relatives in terms of bacteria it 's striking that the ETEC organism has been able to acquire in some way almost exactly the same gene that 's present in choleri .
18 In spite of much travelling and various kinds of work , I have been able to get through some interesting books .
19 He may never have envisioned a situation in which it would be possible to specify in some detail the characteristics of the phylogenetic id , the evolutionary starting-point from which the modern id-ego organization began .
20 It 's impossible to judge exactly how many people will come in as a result of that and er , how much expenditure will be incurred because as you know we 're in a recessionary period and as you 've already heard there is concern about current trading , but I would hope that it would bring in er , something like a hundred and fifty thousand extra people , certainly in a good year I 'd expect more than that but really that 's about as much as I 'm prepared to say with some additional spending which will be incurred at Alton Towers .
21 A member of the group mentioned that an uncle of his , a retired coal miner , had been telling him about Highlander , and it was suggested that Highlander might be willing to help in some way .
22 There must be many middle aged climbers such as myself who have dozens of spare ascents of Ben Nevis they would be willing to swop for some of the odd hills difficult of access .
23 The behaviourist theory of knowledge says that for someone , S , to know or believe that some proposition p is true is for S to be disposed to behave in some way which is supposed to be appropriate to the world 's being as p says .
24 Although that is the end of the story of the Tennants of Laigh Corton and Ayrshire , readers may be interested to know about some of ‘ Wabster Charlie 's ’ descendants .
25 Before turning to a detailed discussion of the lives of the Muftis , it will be useful to examine in some detail the development of the learned hierarchy in the Ottoman state , since it is only against this background that the development of the institution of the Muftilik can be properly appreciated .
26 It may be useful to begin with some general figures .
27 There are other features of prison life , however , which could only occur in this especially artificial environment , but before moving on to them it may be useful to concentrate on some of the prisoners ' own views of Maidstone .
28 When reviewing your own goals for the future , it might be useful to look at some of the positive aspects of nursing as a career , to see whether you still identify with them .
29 Now that we have laid a foundation of general Christian concepts involved in marriage , it may be good to look at some of the specific expectations each of you , as prospective marriage partners , have for your marriage , your marriage partner and the way you intend to function in that marriage .
30 But it would also be helpful to believe in some paradisal previous age of matriarchy and goddess-worship , to believe in astrology and to believe in the rightneousness of each feminist reflex .
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