Example sentences of "[be] [adj] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 He said he had been right to prevent the earlier attempt to censure Mr Gilbert .
2 Even after Anselm 's visit in 1079 , Lanfranc had been prepared to consign the greater part of these local saints and customs to oblivion .
3 It has not been prepared to consider the wider implications of the massive developments planned for Canary Wharf and the Royal Docks , which will have all kinds of consequences for London and the South East .
4 Perhaps , in contrast , migrants are people who are willing to consider a wider range of course options because they are more likely to see broader gains , such as personal development , from participation .
5 Personally I choose to travel by train , and am prepared to pay a higher fare to do so , because I find it a more comfortable , and usually more enjoyable mode of travel .
6 It seems thought will be given to playing Tony Stanger in the centre to provide a bit more physique in defence and on that theme Michael Dods could be destined to be left out , not because he has played badly , but rather as a reflection that the powerhouse physiques are prone to get the better of him in escaping tackles .
7 Yeah , I think when it comes to bearing selection issues we ought to be clear in which direction we 're going in , now , it 's in our interests at the moment , as we 're unable to produce a larger series of airings in the U K or in Europe , to steer them away from those sort of design , but it seems also to be fairly clear that demands for packaging and compact design for steering gear , tend to be favouring the =mote , remote valve arrangement , therefore putting a considerable advantage
8 I think that they are likely to give a better idea of what the finished advertisement will look like and can do a better job of communicating the necessary commitment to their way of presenting the product than can the account executive .
9 If it is thought that the growers of any kind of grain in any part of the world have been losing money , and are likely to sow a smaller area for a future harvest ; it is argued that prices are likely to rise as soon as that harvest comes into sight , and its shortness is manifest to all .
10 Because of the characteristics of the occupational and regional labour markets in which they operate , both these sorts of agency workers are likely to enjoy a higher degree of employment security than many members of the " standard " labour force .
11 As a result , surveyors are likely to charge a higher fee or insist on a more extensive and therefore more expensive survey ; alternatively they may persuade the building societies and banks to stop showing valuation reports to borrowers .
12 Blauner also devotes considerable attention to features of technology which imply that workers are likely to feel a greater sense of belonging and identification with factories using highly automated processes .
13 Women 's subordinate status means that , unlike men , women do not have an interest in mystifying reality and so are likely to develop a clearer and more trustworthy understanding of the world .
14 Both committees are likely to propose a smaller Upper House of some 300 members , all elected on party regional lists by proportional representation , with a threshold to win any seats of , say , 5% .
15 Loans for risky projects like the Channel Tunnel and North Sea oil exploration , for example , are likely to attract a higher interest rate than the rate on a loan to finance the construction of , say , a foodstore .
16 Even now , with so much suffering in the early stages of radical reform , he and his government are likely to get a better hearing from the voters than from Congress .
17 Qaddafi says that nations are likely to have a greater proportion of written members than tribes generally do ( III , ‘ Merits of the tribe ’ , ‘ The nation ’ ) ; and he says that shared experience can forge a common solidarity , a sense of belonging .
18 It will be much more stable and you are likely to have a greater degree of success .
19 From the foregoing discussion it follows that high dividend payouts are likely to have a larger negative effect than low dividend payouts on option premiums .
20 The available evidence suggests that , in terms of both the purchase of services and material inputs , indigenous firms are likely to have the higher level of local linkages ( Lever 1974 ; Marshall 1979 ; Watts 1981 ) .
21 Third quarter figures are likely to show a further profits fall from Pounds 155m to £130m , with high gearing continuing to pose a problem .
22 April 's inflation figures are likely to show a further fall , mainly because average household bills for local tax have been cut with the shift from a poll tax to a property tax .
23 All this is fine , except that in Russia and Hungary , where McDonald 's status symbol and monopoly are likely to play a greater role , local currencies are undervalued .
24 Dr. Goldsmith 's comment was that if the man was physically fit to break out of his cell , he should have been fit to do the lighter task of breaking stones .
25 It happened to be my birthday — I 've never had or am likely to have a better birthday dinner , I do n't mind being a year older every year for this !
26 In this regard , it might have been useful to have a stronger legal background within the Commissioner 's office .
27 When the cockchafers arrived , Lucy , the O'Hanlon sisters , Harry , Fleury , Mohammed and Ram were all seated around a little fire in the middle of the floor of the banqueting hall not too far from the baronial fireplace which had unfortunately become impossible to reach through the stacks of " possessions " ; this fire had been cleverly made by Lucy herself out of bits and pieces of smashed furniture ; a large gothic " chair of oak , which Lucy 's lovely but not very powerful muscles had been unable to get the better of , lay on its side with one leg in the fire while the kettle hung from the leg above it , an ingenious idea of Lucy 's own .
28 If counsellees are able to reach a better understanding of their own self-image , they can often overcome the social role into which they have been fixed , and develop newer , healthier ones .
29 The situation will only improve if first , recipient governments are able to allocate a higher proportion of the time of capable civil servants to the allocation of in-coming aid ; second , if donor governments and agencies dovetail their country lending programmes more closely with the medium-term budgetary plans of the recipient countries ; and third , if recipient governments are more careful in interpreting the priorities of their own small farmers and other small-scale producers .
30 Generally , banks earn larger profits from long-term loans than from short-term loans as they are able to charge a higher interest rate on long-term loans .
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