Example sentences of "[be] [art] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 Erm ironically after I wrote erm the letter was typed on Monday erm to Mr Mr the only lights that have been fixed since are the ones at the end of my street and the next street not as I complained about ones on the main road erm there 's an example that 's been going on for many months where a problem , an acknowledged problem of access existed which was the reason for delay but that as I understand it has been overcome some time ago now and it 's still there , this is a group of seven lights together , the lot , erm these lights are still out , they 're not in my ward in fact , they 're just .
2 The ‘ legs ’ are the uprights at the side of the stage which similarly conceal the wings . )
3 Are the answers at the back of the book or on the next page or are they in another book ( this would mean extra expense ) ? 16 Does the student learn inductively or solely deductively ? 17 Are the topics and stories interesting and appropriate or are they dull and irrelevant to your students ' needs ?
4 What they do not see , of course , are the tears at the sheer frustration of it all when it hits home at two in the morning .
5 Swindon may be the style side , but Oxford United are the entertainers at the moment .
6 What are the colours at the bottom ?
7 Lastly , there are the libraries at the colleges , ranging from Oxford and Cambridge to the most recent amalgamations of teacher-training and technical colleges .
8 1 Use of pipes The right to the free and uninterrupted passage and running of water sewage gas electricity telephone and other services or supplies from and to other parts of the Centre or any Adjoining Property in and through the Pipes which now are or may during the Term be in under or over the Premises This is a standard reservation and the tenant may wish to ascertain at the outset just exactly which are the pipes at the commencement of the term that will be the subject of this right .
9 However , Mr Wilson said there had been no accidents at the garage since it opened in 1925 .
10 There are no photoreceptors at the head of the optic nerve , and hence this area forms the blind spot .
11 Lloyd George thought very highly of him and used to quote with approval his dictum that in politics ‘ there are no friendships at the top ’ ( too often attributed to Lloyd George himself ) .
12 The letter added that while it was a matter for the City Council to determine whether to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the event , ‘ there are no funds at the disposal of this Department to meet the costs involved ’ .
13 Under Gift Aid there are no formalities at the time of the gift , just a cheque or cash gift to the charity .
14 ‘ There are no negotiations at the moment , ’ a county spokesman said , ‘ and before they are started the homes must be declared surplus to the councils ’ requirements .
15 Or could it be the waitresses at the Groucho Club do enough of that already ?
16 Yes it 'd be just be the men at the graveyard .
17 You see before there would be no women at the funeral so the women would maybe be
18 But as the Air New Zealand 747–400 that brought me back home took off from Auckland International what came into my mind were the lines at the head of this article .
19 Bold concept cars from Renault and Citroen were the stars at the Paris motor show along with Mercedes ' new 500E Q-car .
20 JONATHON Waters and Brian Higgens were the stars at the second round of the 125 and 250 ACU junior moto cross championships organised by the Pickering Motor Club on the Northern off-road site South Bank on Sunday .
21 It was also immaculate , as were the curtains at the windows and the shiny brass knocker on the door .
22 What were the forces at the heart of human darkness ?
23 More significant were the changes at the end of the 1960s , with the irruption of Rupert Murdoch .
24 Now , what were the results at the three month cystoscopy ?
25 Perhaps the most famous cases of this period were the confrontations at the Saltley coal depot in Birmingham during the 1972 national coal dispute , at the Grunwick film processing laboratory in London in 1977 and outside the Hadfields private steel works during the 1980 national steel dispute .
26 There were no playing-fields at the school , but in the summer we walked to The Heath for cricket or rounders .
27 The front of the house was protected from the prevailing south-westerlies by the low hill and there were no loopholes at the back for the northerly gales to penetrate .
28 British Gas said there were no faults at the cottage , but a cold snap may have caused poisonous carbon monoxide fumes to leak back in .
29 Eventually we came to the Old Mill area where there were no railings at the waterside , making the mill pond quite a frightening place for small children .
30 Although there were no elections at the assembly , the gathering was dominated by the issue of who would succeed Mahathir Mohamed as UMNO president and thereby as Prime Minister .
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