Example sentences of "[be] [prep] the [noun sg] when " in BNC.

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1 No , and I had I er I had tried to appeal to him to be quiet , he said well I 've got to build this shed , I said well it do n't have to be during the night when other people are trying to sleep , he said well that 's up to them , and he started hammering again , while I was talking to him , and then I kept on and on and eventually , I think while I was talking to him I 'd kept him quiet while I was talking to him .
2 Each reflects something of the period and quality of the music , the period being of the time when written by the composer or when presented as a ballet and the quality being that inspired in the choreographer by the composer .
3 were on the jury when was hanged at for murder .
4 ‘ The battle ’ hovers over the individual actions like in incorporeal cloud , distinct from them , but at the same time making up a surface of their meaning-effect , a simulacrum that brings the event into being at the moment when language and event coincide .
5 It 's like the time when you were in hospital .
6 It 's like the time when I nearly drowned in the Mediterranean with you . ’
7 It 's in the morning when you see them .
8 And er I think er the retreat of the working class movement s i i is from the date when the N C L C was abolished , and opt into the General Council of the T U C.
9 The ideal time to start with a new dog is in the spring when the weather is likely to be improving , and with the summer months ahead , it will be a good time to start exercising and training your dog outside .
10 But the showing season is in the summer when the weather is often too warm for any jacket , never mind tweed .
11 If it be in the dusk when , like an eyelid 's soundless blink ,
12 Jean-Claude 's went back to the time when the region was awash with oceans of rye , Otto 's to the time when the Demoiselles Tatin were still alive .
13 Banned or not , strikes will happen , for the population is beyond the stage when harsh words will cow it into submissiveness .
14 It is at the time when someone can say , ‘ This time last year … ’
15 Britain is at the stage when we must no longer expect sections of our land to be retained for the benefit of the few , when they could be used to provide jobs for the many .
16 All right , I knew the cockroach treatment was for the time when I made my centipede on a string crawl up Shirnette 's back .
17 It was during the war when the convent had been turned into a shrine for Bruckner by a man called Glasmeier .
18 I do n't suppose you 'd er get that sort of relationship nowadays and of course it was during the war when people er the fact that erm there was a war on erm was a levelling down or up or at least a levelling of , of people 's situations they ,
19 It was during the period when Jean-Claude was working on the ‘ Chansons de Mani ’ that I went through the scores he wrote in la Sologne throughout his childhood and into his twenties , and others he composed in Paris before Montaine 's death .
20 information about a particular piece , so , Simon and I sort of , we were talking kind of fairly casually about that , but erm , what we agreed to do is , this was about the time when we first got the equipment I think and it , it occurred to me that you , and I 've checked this now , that you can actually plug a cassette , you know , a Walkman type of player into either the microphone for the
21 When , on 25 July 1746 , he re-entered London it was like the day when the news of Culloden had arrived , with ringing bells and blazing bonfires , plus a thanksgiving service in St Paul 's , at which Handel 's specially composed anthem , ‘ The Conquering Hero ’ , was sung for the first time .
22 He told her it was like the moment when the tide stops coming in and starts going out again .
23 It was like the time when she had been hunted .
24 This was in the year when , as a youthful and helmeted fire-watcher , I patrolled the streets at home in Cardiff .
25 The best time was in the winter when the snow was so bad I could n't walk the mile across the fields to school .
26 We did all our own cleaning and cooking , and our best — sometimes only — decent meal of the day was in the evening when we arrived in port .
27 The heyday of Alpine life , arguably , was in the period when the mountains were still undeveloped for tourism and when traditional lifestyles — such as the mountain guide , the crystal hunter and the Alpine shepherd — were the rule , rather than the exception .
28 That was in the time when Dr Marks was principal and a young master named George Scott was on the staff , two of the best remembered Britishers who ever lived in Burma .
29 ‘ I also tried to say that our unity was in the future when we believe that all things will be gathered together and completed in Christ and that therefore our policies of today have to reflect our longings for the future .
30 That was round the time when I first went to see me doctor .
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