Example sentences of "[be] [prep] be [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There are to be none of those ‘ hamburgers ’ either . ’
2 Those who suppose that a millennium is a millennium is a millennium will see that the distinction between Owen 's and O'Brien 's to be one without a practical difference ; and put a question-mark against the doctrine on which it stands .
3 If the British government 's desire for alterations is to be anything but wishful thinking , these will have to be obtained in the detailed interpretation and implementation of the provisions .
4 The new government 's first sale , in fact , is to be none of the above .
5 The next Archdeacon of Woodborough is to be someone from the north , someone called Daniel Byrne . ’
6 The match referee , a technician at his side if necessary , could be the magic eye , unless it is to be someone from the ranks of the umpires themselves .
7 The twist in the story of river and wetland management in our own times was to be one in which drainage men were faced with a new army ; an army which , unlike that of the commoners who had opposed their predecessors , was to grow stronger with every passing year .
8 Then I thought that she lived in the cottage — Maria looked after her , perhaps ; or perhaps this room that was to be mine for the week-end was normally hers .
9 From Hassan there was to be none of the commitment already expressed — and to be expressed ever more passionately as the Shahs 's journey continued — by Anwar Sadat .
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