Example sentences of "[be] [prep] [pron] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 From intensive study of both sources , the great reformer reached the conclusion that the Jews , far from being ‘ God 's chosen people ’ ( a myth that Jews promote to this very day ) , are according to John 8:44 ‘ Ye are of your father the Devil ’ .
2 I could not in the court of law swear that you had been under my observations the whole time we were making the ascent . ’
3 He wanted to blurt out that she looked beautiful in blue , that he 'd like to kill the man who 'd been in her flat the previous evening , that he hoped her date with him had been a miserable failure , that he had hardly slept a wink all night , beside himself with jealousy .
4 When we complained , we had quite a battle with the manager of the firm , but we argued that the fridge was not in use all the time , and if it had been in our home the fault may have occurred earlier .
5 In the mornings he speaks feelingly about what has been on his mind the night before .
6 He had played his part , had enjoyed the pomp and the dressing-up , and being with his bride the centre of attention , confident all the while that Fate , his father or the future — the three f's as he called them to himself — would eventually rearrange the matter to everyone 's satisfaction .
7 When we got to the market and the cattle were in their places the dealing would start .
8 He disclosed the terms of the American offer , he left no doubt that they were in his opinion the best that could be obtained and should be accepted , and he rounded things off with what were interpreted as some highly uncomplimentary remarks about the quality of the Congressional opinion which had to be accommodated .
9 At the same time he thought it desirable to submit to them a brief record of his work ( Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers , 1899 , pp. 3–11 ) , in view of what were in his opinion the less than adequate references to it in the 1899 James Forrest lecture on ‘ Magnetism ’ by J. A. Ewing [ q.v. ] , in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers ( vol. cxxxviii , pp. 289–311 ) .
10 once they were on their way the runners … 370 of them were under orders for their start …
11 If they were on their beam-ends the really desperate might brave an audition with the dreaded Sherman Fisher .
12 We were on our feet the whole time .
13 Redemption and disavowal are not compatible and the final lines suggest the yet severer knowledge that desire is of its nature the desire for what is lost :
14 Erm often you find that that particular person is the one who 's in whose name the mortgage is , or in whose name the bills are , the one who 's bringing the wages home and that kind of thing and this erm power , this domination , has been suggested as one of the reasons why some people , some other members of the family , like like wives , like mothers , are n't always able effectively to do something about it .
15 When wind is from your right the QDMs will increase if drift allowance is not enough .
16 When wind is from your right the QDMs will decrease if drift allowance is too much .
17 When wind is from your left the QDMs will decrease if drift allowance is not enough .
18 When wind is from your left the QDMs will increase if drift allowance is too much .
19 Drift allowance not enough The QDMs will decrease if wind is from your left The QDMs will increase if wind is from your right .
20 Drift allowance too much The QDMs will increase if wind is from your left The QDMs will decrease if wind is from your right 6 .
21 The question is in what circumstances the court may , on the application of the S.I.B. , order persons who were knowingly concerned in the unauthorised carrying on of investment business under section 3 of the Act to take steps to restore the parties to the transaction to the position in which they were before the transaction was entered into .
22 But I am as sure as I can be that the uncertainties and multiple complexities , the appalling human and social cost , and what is in my view the cynicism of this war , will demand a far higher price for a far more dangerous future .
23 The primary dictionary meaning is ‘ take possession of , take to oneself , especially without authority , ’ and that is in my opinion the meaning which the word bears in section 1(1) .
24 A batteur de mesure … is in my opinion the most essential artist at the Opera ; the entire fate of the theatrical performance rests in his hands , and I have to say in all truth that citoyen Rey is beyond all praise in this regard .
25 The question is to what extent the pattern of development is already present in the egg .
26 However , the problem is to what extent the unemployment problem is a consequence of the kind of curriculum , or the kind of institution .
27 It is to my knowledge the first time that an ‘ in-depth ’ feature has been written about their service with the RAF and brought back many poignant memories for me for I was , to quote your September issue , ‘ one of the batch of National Service gunners posted to RAF Coningsby ’ .
28 My boss is on my tail the whole time !
29 If the cell is set up at an appropriate angle to the incoming light , then when the amplitude of the standing wave is zero the cell transmits the light in the usual way ; when the amplitude is at its maximum the light is deflected at angle equal to twice the incident angle ( Figure 2 ) .
30 The vaulting , influenced by the s porch of St Vitus ' , was in its turn the prototype for hall churches with net vaults of the late 14 and early 15C .
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